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Eduard von Dostler

Guest Local authorities Wielsbeke

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Guest Local authorities Wielsbeke


Eduard von Dostler claimed two (or one) of three planes on the 28/07/1917. Can anyone give more details about this pilot or about Jasta 6 ? Is there a picture available ?


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His claimed victory on this day was a DH4 in the Oostroosebeke area at 1900 his total claims were running at 20.

Hope this is of some use to you


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Oberleutnant Eduard von Dostler is pictured below. His two confirmed victories on 28 July 1917 were both DH 4s from No 57 Sqn RFC*; they were the 19th and 20th of the 26 victories he would be credited with before he was killed in combat with an RE 8 of No 7 Sqn RFC (A4381, Lts M A O'Callaghan and N Sharples) on 21 August 1917.

* = No 57 Sqn lost three DH 4s on a raid to Inglemunster that day; one credited to Oblt Dostler was A7448, Lt H NS Skeffington and Lt A C Malloch)

Jasta 6 was formed on 25 August 1916 and equipped with the Fokker Eindekker. It was re-equipped with the Albatros D.I when it moved to the Somme front in late September. In 1917 the D.Is were replaced with the Albatros D.III and, later, the D.V. Oblt Dostler was appointed commander when he was transferred from Jasta 34 in June 1917, at which time Jasta 6 moved to Bisseghem. On 2 July Jasta 6, along with Jasta 4, Jasta 10 and Jasta 11, became one of the components of Manfred von Richthofen's Jagdgeschwader Nr I; it stayed in JG I until the Armistice.

Jasta 6 aircraft were distinguished by black and white stripes on the elevators. By the Armistice the unit claimed 196 victories, for the loss of 10 pilots killed in action, 2 killed and four injured in accidents, 3 taken PoW and 9 wounded.

See Above the Lines by Franks, Bailey and Guest.

I hope that this helps.



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von Dostler flew from Bisseghem airfield at this time. I'm working on a book about Bissegem during WWI so I have quite some information about the man and his claims. You can always contact me.



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  • 8 months later...
Guest Local authorities Wielsbeke

von Dostler flew from Bisseghem airfield at this time. I'm working on a book about Bissegem during WWI so I have quite some information about the man and his claims. You can always contact me.




What type of plane he flew with at the time ? Don't you have any more about what happened on 28/07/1917 ?

I've also seen that not so long after, he was KIA. Do you know under what circumstances and where his plane chrashed ?


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Probably a Albatros DV, maybe a DVa. Will check that later. 57 Sqdn lost 3 planes that day, next to the one mentioned by Dolpin also A7538 killing 2nd Lt's HWB Rickards and RH Corbishley and A7540 killing Capt. L Linot and 2Lt SJ Leete. The first one mentioned is probably the claim of Lt. Czermak, the second one probably the claim of Lt. Hans Adam, both of Jasta 6. All around the same moment.

Best from Johan

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Shot down at St Julien, Ypres.

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Here's a quote from Jagdgeschwader I from old friend Greg VanWyngarden :

The 25 year old Bavarian led three other Jasta 6 Albatros pilots down on a RE8 of No 7 Sqdn, crewed by Lt. Sharpes end 2Lt O'Callaghan. The observer O'Callaghan opened fire on his attackers from 100 yards, an dalthough he was only able to fire 55 rounds before a jam silenced his Lewis gun, his aim was true. Dostlers DV burst into flames and exploded.

In the dim chance of finding Dostler somewhere hiding in no-man's land, Richthofen sent out flights to look for him, but no avail. Dostler was burried were he fell, and posthumously received Bavaria's Knights Cross of the Military Max-Joseph Order.

And from the same very excellent book :

At around 1850 hrs that evening a flight of six DH4 bombers of 57 Sqdn were returning from a raid from Ingelmunster, Jasta 6 commander Oblt Eduard Dostler (along with his deputy leader Adam) led his pilots in a weel coordinated interception sortie. As the Germans closed in on the bomber formation, Adam's aircraft was hit in a potentially dangerous location. Nonetheless he suddenly dived into the tight formation of DH4's, forcing the two seaters to break and scatter. This allowed the other Jasta 6 pilots to pick off the disorganised bombers, and they proceeded to devastate the formation. Dostler received credit for two, Adam claimed another for his tenth and Ltn's Tüxen, Czermak and Stock each claimed one as well. The jubilant Jasta 6 pilots landed back at Bisseghem airfield to report they had destroyed the entire flight of six bombers, all within German lines.

End quote.

In fact it seems that Kofl 4 was a bit to fast to recognize the victories and afterwards they could not change this anymore. The 3 other planes of 57 Sqdn were in fact heavily damaged but made it back.

Best from Johan

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I've also seen that not so long after, he was KIA.  Do you know under what circumstances and where his plane chrashed ?


Oberleutnant Eduard von Dostler was killed in action on 21 August 1917. He was shot down while attacking RE 8 A4381 of No 7 Sqn RFC, flown by Lts Norman Sharples and M A O'Callaghan.

Lt N Sharples was was killed in action on 20 September 1917 when flying No 7 Sqn RE 8 B5019 with Lt Bliss Wilberforce Ryan MM (formerly Canadian Engineers) as his observer. Lt Ryan was also killed.

Lt M A O'Callaghan was wounded in the foot, and broke his nose in a crash landing, on 8 October 1918 when flying as observer with Lt J Graham in RE 8 C2894. Lt O'Callaghan shot down one of the Pfalz scouts that was attacking the RE 8 before the RE 8 was downed. Lt O'Callaghan had been shot down before: on 31 July 1917 he was flying with Capt G A Lascelles in No 7 Sqn RE 8 A4636 when his pilot was wounded and forced to land; and on 8 December 1917, while flying with No 8 Sqn, he was the observer in Armstrong Whitworth F K 8 B314 when his pilot, 2 Lt A M Kinnear, was wounded over Mericourt and they were forced to land.

I hope this is interesting.


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Hi Guy,

Richthofen's Circus - Jagdgeschwader Nr 1 by Greg VanWyngarden - Osprey Publishing - Aviation Elite Units 16 - Oxford 2004

ISBN 1 84176 726 3

1st quote p 34/35

2nd quote p 28/29

Can be found at De Krijger in Belgium

Best from Johan

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Dave Sharples

Eduard von Dostler claimed two (or one) of three planes on the 28/07/1917. Can anyone give more details about this pilot or about Jasta 6 ? Is there a picture available ?


It was my uncle (Norman Sharples) who shot down Eduard von Dostler, I have copies of his personal diaries if interesred.

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It was my uncle (Norman Sharples) who shot down Eduard von Dostler, I have copies of his personal diaries if interesred.


I'm sure that quite a few of those on the Forum with an interest in aviation would be interested in seeing the diary if you could make it available.

Best wishes


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Guest Söderbaum


The over-claiming by Jasta 6 on 28 Jul 17 actually led to an "organization crizis" and 3 of the victories WAS TAKEN AWAY, among them one for Oblt Eduard Dostler.... :D

It is obvious that Otto Bufe (the commander of Kofl 4) to quickly forwarded the claims to Kogenluft without making necesarry controls......It also lead to that Hptm Bufe soon was replaced as commander of the German aviation in Flanders....It also seems that Bufe tried to blame the incident on MvR without success... :lol:

The background material to this can found in German documents from this period...



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Guest Dave Sharples

I'm sure that quite a few of those on the Forum with an interest in aviation would be interested in seeing the diary if you could make it available.

Best wishes



There's quite a few pages in the diaries, but willing to supply to whoever wants a copy via email or can I send them via "add attachment" on this forum.


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It was my uncle (Norman Sharples) who shot down Eduard von Dostler, I have copies of his personal diaries if interesred.

Dave thanks for the email. I have just read his diaries.

Most interesting. Your Uncle was a very brave man . You must be proud.

Kind regards.


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Hi forum

I found in my collection following information about the airfight on 28. july 1917. It`s in german but maybe someone can translate this in english:

" Mit meiner Kette zu 5 sichtete ich, 5000 m bei Bixschoote nördlich Ypern befindliche ein feindliches Geschwader zu 6 Maschinen, Richtung Südwest, im Kurs Richtung Ost fliegend. Ich flog nach Nord - West weiter, mich in die Sonne setzend und setzte mich in der Linkskurve hinter das englische Geschwader, das wir aber nicht einholen konnten, sie waren gleich hoch. Wie sie aber ca. nordöstlich von Cortryk umkehrten, schnitt ich, meine 4 Begleitmaschinen dicht bei mir, ihnen den Weg ab und griff an. Der erste (gross, schnelle Doppelsitzmaschine) explodierte nach 100 Schuss.

Ein zweiter, den ich beschoss, trudelte nach ca. 150 Schuss 500 m ab, fing sich wieder; nach abermaligen Kampf - der Beobachter schoss lebhaft und gut - (Treffer) und Beschuss mit ca. 300 Schuss trudelte er wieder ab, in 3200 m löste er sich in Atome auf. Ich folgte den Trümmern bis ca. 600m. Da sah ich wenige km südlich von mir einen Engländer abstürzend, dahinter dicht die Maschine des Lts. Adam, beide noch ca. 1200m höher wie ich.

Ort des ersten Abschusses nordöstlich von Cortryk.

Ort des zweiten Abschusses: nördlich eines nach Süden ausbiegenden Kanalknies, in Gegend Ostroosebeke, Wielsbeke."

That`s all

Reinhard ;)

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  • 1 month later...


That's great, I try to translate this and put it one the forum. Where did you get this from (memoires of von Dostler ?)


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  • 7 months later...


Please once again. You hav quoted a very interesting german source. Any chance you can give the source or maybe a scan ?


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