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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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Posted (edited)

I found a bayonet in my parent's attic recently and I've started to research it. My brother purchased it at an Afghan flea market over a decade ago and has gifted it to me.


If I'm reading the bayonet correctly (please forgive me if I'm wrong) it appears as if it is the 44th bayonet of the 5th (company?) 2nd battalion Gloucestershire Regiment from WWI. I am trying my hardest to find an online archive that can narrow down who owned this bayonet. Any help is much appreciated!


Clearly my search has led me here. I've started reading George's War Letters and there are so many. Will post pics soon.




Corie Sutton


Edited by Coriesutton
Photo added



welcome to the forum 


please ser can you post some pictures of the bayonet and the markings 


This is the only image I have on me right now. I'm at work. Had to screen shot this from a video so it's poor quality. Can get more later.  Can you tell me if I narrowed this down correctly?



I just realized this is dated 1944, I think. I don't know anything about this item clearly!


This is an Indian manufactured version of the P1907 bayonet which was made in May 1944 at Rifle Factory Ishapore.


As identified above, it is an Indian produced WWII vintage MkII which means it has a newly produced unfullered blade (not a cut down P1907 blade) without a false edge on the point. The MkII* has a false edge. The later MkIII has a squared pommel.

These are generally pretty battered but yours looks to be in good shape - not WWI though - although will fit perfectly on a WWI ShtLE rifle and may well have been fitted to one during WWII.



Question answered and as this is outside our range it is time to lock the thread.


Keith Roberts

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