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According to the London Gazette "Second Lieutenant HA Lyon RAF Administrative Branch relinquishes his Commission on account of ill-health, and is granted the honorary rank of Second Lieutenant" [LG 24 May 1918] I have found his RAF Service Record at National Archives AIR 76/311/101, but that was actually put together after he left : most of its information must therefore have been drawn from an earlier Service Record, and all it tells us about his ill health is that he failed one Medical Board, no reason stated, and was taken off duty for a time, at the end of which he failed another Medical Board, no reason stated, and was thereupon declared permanently unfit for further instruction as a pilot or observer. He is shown as a Flight Officer with seniority from 13 May 1917 in the RFC Naval Wing (RNAS) [Navy List Apr 1918], so I looked hopefully in National Archives ADM 273/16/12, but that is effectively just a list of Canadians in the RNAS who transferred to the RFC and gives no details whatever of their careers. Am I snookered ? 


He'd usually have a WO339 file but I can't see it. Try the RAF Museum and ask for his Casualty Form and Medical Record.


I hadn't found anything in WO339 either, which is worrying, but I'd forgotten about the RAF Museum - many thanks.


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