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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The green book

Terence Munson

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The Green Book.
If a merchant ship or fishing vessel was captured and sunk after the crew had taken to the ship's boat, the fate of the green book

was one of the first questions ask during the during the debrief of survivors e.g.:

Extract from Naval Intelligence Documents:
N.I.D.- Form Ia M.F.V. "ELSIE" & others sunk 28th June 1917,
Report from N.I. Officer, Grimsby dated 28th June 1917.
"Skipper Reports…………The green book was in the cabin which no German entered entered & it may therefore

be presumed to have gone down with the boat."
"WILLIAM AND BETSY" ……….."The vessel sank taking the green book which was in the cabin into which no

German had entered."
"FRANCIS" (GY.903)………..Skipper reports that his green book was in his bunk & does not know whether it fell

into the hands of the Germans or not.


One assumes the book listed secret / confidential information such as current prohibited areas vessels must

not enter and recognition signals.
Can anyone confirm what the content was and if any of them exist in the archives?

Thanks in advance.


Edited by Terence Munson
To include fishing vessels
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