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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

23rd and 87th Siege batteries Ammunition Column


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I am trying to find out if there is an appropriate war dairy at Kew for either of these units.

The chap I'm looking into was actually in 402 Company Asc and attached(?) to these. I have seen WO95/1080/3 but can't find anything else obvious.


Would they be mentioned in Divisional diaries and if so which ones?

Any help gratefully received.


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You could add a bit more about the soldier and dates as it would help to zero in on what you want. SBs had some org changes here and there and were Army Corps assets rather than Divisional ones. 402 Coy ASC were in an SB Siege Park organisation with Canadian Corps from 3/17 to 3/19 and it is possible that the two SBs you quote were too,particularly as the LLT states that SBs had an ASC unit attached as an Ammo Column.

There is a War Diary (WO95/5494) which lists many units and their locations etc and your units RGA and ASC will have their place there, and this may enable you to find what you want. A couple of members here seem to have a copy so you might be lucky to attract one of them ! I only have a handwritten list of the contents of the Diary.

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Yes, that is the right file:


WO 95/1080 Corps Supply Column 1917 Feb. - 1919 Mar.  
WO 95/1080 Corps Siege Park (402 Company A.S.C.) 1917 Mar. - 1919 Mar.  

There are other diaries in the same file for other Corps troops. There do not appear to be surviving War Diaries for either of the batteries themselves.


There are a few RGA experts on the Forum and if they can't give you more details, I'll see what I can dig out at the weekend.



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