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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Army Cycle Corps


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We had a visitor in today at our museum who had his Dad's WWI medals (or some of them anyway), wanting some more information. He was in the Army Cycle Corps. Worked through all the usual sources of information on ancestry etc and found the medal card, roll and silver war badge (no service record sadly). The medal roll says he (Pte Thomas John Craddock) was in the 26th DCC, XIIth CCB (respectively the company number and the Battalion number I presume?) Are there any war diaries for this unit please? - I tried looking up on National Archives site, but nothing seemed to pop up.





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On FMP, there is a stray page of daily orders from "Y" Scheme Concentration Centre, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, dated 17/10/1918.  Craddock appears on a list of men, proceeding to rejoin their units under authority M.O.. (unfit for overseas);


68th ACC        2256    Pte Craddock   14.10.18



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David, the Divisional Cyclist Companies (DCC) were organised into the Army Cyclist Corps in May/June 1916; thereafter, each Army corps had a cyclist battalion.  Therefore I would say your man was originally in the 26 Division cyclist company, and then the XII Corps cyclist battalion.  The battalions had numbered companies (i.e. No. 1 Company, etc.).  I tried a while ago to get the IX Corps cyclist battalion war diary, but it hadn't been digitised; it now has been, and I downloaded it today.  Seems that XII Corps hasn't been done yet (I just searched WO 95 for '12 Corps Cyclist').



- brummell


Edit: Which is not to say you can't view the record at the Archives. WO 95/4957.

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IPT, thanks, I've got free access to FMP through work, so I'll have a look at that.


Brummell. Many thanks to you also, I'll pass that information on to our visitor.




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It looks as if he served in Salonika, as XII Corps and 26th Division were only in France very briefly. The War Diaries for theatres other than France & Belgium have not yet been digitised, so your visitor may have to make a journey to Kew.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ron


Sorry, belated thanks, been tied up with kitchen planning (deep joy). The Salonika posting does seem to tie in with the family information.





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