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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Sgt Thomas McFadden Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers


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My wife and I are trying to find out as much as possible about her great grandfather Thomas McFadden who served with the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. We know he was at the Somme on 1st July 1916 when he was wounded - doubtless a serious one as a more local record shows him to be at home in June 1917 for four days having been wounded as stated earlier.

He returned to the military as a Sergeant Instructor of the Home Guard in WW2, but other than this we have found very little.


His MIC states that his Regimental Number was 24175, but it doesn't show which battalion he was in with the Fusiliers. He was awarded the Victory Medal and War Medal but not the 1914-1915 Star, so we can deduce from this that he signed up and/or was on active service post 31 Dec 1915.


Any further help concerning our relative would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. It would be particularly helpful if we could find out which battalion he was taken on strength with as this would perhaps help us find where he was actually stationed, or at least give us a pointer anyway.


Thank you for any input you may have.



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Welcome to the Forum.


His Victory and British War Medal Roll shows he was in the 7th Battalion - more details here.

Good luck with your research.


Best wishes,


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Thank you for the welcome, and thanks also for the information about his being in the 7th Battalion. That will certainly give me a target to start from!



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