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how do i find which memorial in england

goldmax 007

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Morning all is there any way to find out which or if any? Which village town memorial a soldier killed in the Great War is listed on? 

Im trying to find out if 12036 J T R Tuttle from the 10th Bn West Yorkshire Regiment is on as im currently trying to piece together some information for a friend’s mother

Many thanks


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thanks i will try to contact them it would be nice for the family to know which memorial he is listed on so the can visit 

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Although you now have an answer to your speciifc query, it's worth commenting on the more general issue you raise for the benefit of others who may have similar queries.


You're right in noting that a man may not have a commemoration on any civic memorial. There are many reasons why this might be the case - I mention several on my website - http://www.stockport1914-1918.co.uk/reasons.php .


As for finding out on which memorial a man may be commeorated on, unfortunately  there is no central database. As such, you're reliant on Google in the hope that someone has not only researched a memorial to some extent but has also displayed their research online - many memorial research projects result in booklet rather than a website. Other than that, it is really a matter of knowing his likely home area and literally driving round to see if his name is on any likely memorial.



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He is buried in Fricourt New Military Cemetery, plot F2




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thanks simon got that info already very interested to find if he is on a memorial here in the uk 

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Well if he came from Hull, the only likelihood of further memorials with him named would be int that area. The Local studies Library could advise on whether there are any collated lists of men on school, village  and church memorials in the area.



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as he lived on Rugby street when he died its a good possibility he was on the Rugby Street And St Andrew Street Shrine now just need to find someone in the area 

thanks for all your help great forum great members 

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On 16/7/2016 at 12:42, John_Hartley said:

As for finding out on which memorial a man may be commeorated on, unfortunately  there is no central database.



Unfortunately, this is true for Great Britain, except that the U.K. War Memorials Register at the Imperial War Museum, does record memorials to individuals by name, and some can be found on the website. If there is a list of names on a memorial, they can't help, though you would probably be able to go to the Museum and look through their card index of memorials, and see if the name was to be found. The Register suffers from having been set up before computers arrived!


However, for memorials in Ireland (Northern and Republic of), a database of over 29,000 names is available for the nearly 1,000 memorials recorded so far at www.irishwarmemorials.ie.


This is no help to Warren, I'm afraid, but it shows what can be done. I believe the U.K. Register is trying to do the same.



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48 minutes ago, Michael Pegum said:


 I believe the U.K. Register is trying to do the same.



I think there was an early suggestion but, as far as I know, nothing came of it. There was an approach to the In From the Cold Project to see if we might have wanted to take a signifciant role in the project - using our volunteers' experience in large scale, often tedious, research projects. We were happy to take this forward but, in the event, nothing happened.

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  • 6 months later...

The IWM database is now listing names (where it knows them},but you cannot search for them - which is a huge shame. This was the main reason I started my West Berkshire War Memorials website - so family could find if and where their relatives were commemorated.


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1 hour ago, Phil Wood said:

The IWM database is now listing names (where it knows them},but you cannot search for them - which is a huge shame. This was the main reason I started my West Berkshire War Memorials website - so family could find if and where their relatives were commemorated.



Exactly! The most important feature of any war memorial or roll of honour is the list of names. This is why I began the Irish Inventory of War Memorials in 2004.


The U.K. War Memorials Register is to be applauded for adding lists of names to records of memorials, but they should be encouraged to go the extra step, while at it, to make it a searchable database, cross-referenced to regiment/service (where known) and war.


I have added links to the West Berkshire war memorials website (and also the Yorkshire Regiment site) to mine. Would you add a link to my site to yours?



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I have been looking a little further into the IWM site and find you can use google to search for names - for instance to find the surname Baston search for:


baston site:www.iwm.org.uk


Not so brilliant for Smith, but you never know your luck.


18 hours ago, Michael Pegum said:


Exactly! The most important feature of any war memorial or roll of honour is the list of names. This is why I began the Irish Inventory of War Memorials in 2004.


The U.K. War Memorials Register is to be applauded for adding lists of names to records of memorials, but they should be encouraged to go the extra step, while at it, to make it a searchable database, cross-referenced to regiment/service (where known) and war.


I have added links to the West Berkshire war memorials website (and also the Yorkshire Regiment site) to mine. Would you add a link to my site to yours?




I'd be happy with a searchable list of names - linking them to other records, notably the CWGC, would be great but would also be a lot of work - which would make it less likely to happen. And, of course, there are many names on war memorials who are not recorded by the CWGC for a variety of reasons.


I'm happy to add a link to your Irish site.


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1 hour ago, Phil Wood said:

And, of course, there are many names on war memorials who are not recorded by the CWGC for a variety of reasons.

I'm happy to add a link to your Irish site.



This is where 'rolls of honour' come in, as they list people from the district who served and survived and who, therefore, do not have CWGC graves. The lists can be of great interest to family historians, especially as they include the names of far more women than the memorials to those who died. I haven't checked, myself, if the U.K. War Memorials Register includes rolls which list only survivors, but I hope it does.


The advantage to links to other databases is that it allows a search for all members of a particular regiment, or participants in a particular conflict. For example, I can find the names of members of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers who died during the (2nd) Boer War.


Thank you very much for adding a link to my site. The Yorkshire Regiment site already links to memorials to members of that regiment on the Irish site.


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I was thinking more of memorials to victims of conflicts that are not covered by the CWGC, who were overlooked by the CWGC or fall outside their criteria.


There are Boer War memorials in West Berkshire; men are commemorated who died after the CWGC cut-off date, there is a Nurse who served with the Serbian Relief Fund (an organisation ot recognised by the CWGC) and several men who died post-discharge and whose records are lost, making it impossible to supply the proof necessary to get them added to the CWGC roll. Plus, of course, men who I have simply not been able to trace.



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