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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Maltese 'Iron' Cross


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I was recently shown by a neighbour what she called an Iron Cross which family history states was brought back from France by their Great grand Father.     It is black,   in the shape of a Maltese cross and has the same design on each side;  of a Christian shaped cross in the centre,  the word ‘war’ and 1914 across the bottom.   Each of the wings of the cross has a different name (six in all) Louvain,  Amiens,  Rheims  on one side with Dianant, Ghent, Antwerp on the other.    Weighing in my hand it feels more like lead than iron.   I can vaguely recall seeming an item  similar to it  on the forum  but can’t for the life of me find the thread.  

Any advice more than welcome   




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It sounds like the iron crosses that were produced as a spoof of the real German awards. The names highlight German atrocities against civilians. From what little I know of them, I gather that they were given as prizes at fairgrounds. There was certainly a British version with "Scarborough", "Whitby" and "Hartlepool" written on the arms of the cross in reference to the German naval bombardment.




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it does indeed seem you are describing one of the variants of these.  I have one, but this thread shows a lot of the types.




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Hello each   Thank you all for the advice.   I followed the link  from Jerry B  and discovered a  Danish member called  Mads Stenroos Madsen who has an extensive collection of Spoof Crosses and has invented a catalogue system for them, see below,    mine is a T2


Here is my type-list, so that i can refer to the difference between the crosses  :


T = means type.

Then i have given it a number.

First i describe the front and then the rear.


T1: Rheims Dinant Louvain Amiens - blank rear

T2: Louvain Rheims Amiens 1914 - Dinant Antwerp Ghent 1914

T3: Louvain Rheims Amiens 1914 - 1914 Hartlepools  Scarboro  Whitby

T4: Louvain - blank rear

T5: For Brave Deeds - Liar

T6: Iron Kaiser's Cross - blank rear

T7: For Kultur - blank rear

T8: From the Kaiser for Valour - blank rear

T9: Louvain Malines ~ For Brutal Conduct ~ Rheims Termonde 1914 - blank rear

T10: London Paris Calais ~ For Swank I Don't Think - blank rear

T11: FW R D 1813 - blank rear

T12: To (helmet) Der Kaiser - blank rear

T13: Crown W 1914 - DEUTSCHLAND

T14: Crown W 1915 - Stewart Lambs 56 Northbridge Edinburgh Draper

T15: Crown W 1914 - RD in a Diamond

T16: Crown W 1914 - S S L on the arms

T17: To (helmet) Der Fuhrer - blank rear

T18: For Talking - blank rear

T19: K I C W on the arms and a scull and bones in the middle - blank rear

T20: Für Culture/Kultur Kaiser with face in the middle and sausages on top - blank rear

T21: Culture und Diplomacy GOTT with kaisers head, a pig and a donkey - blank rear

Regards Mads

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