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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Northumberland Fusiliers - Battle of Arrass

Guest janis17656haris

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Guest janis17656haris

My granddad Bert Elliott (Ethelbert Samuel Gerald Elliott to bed precise) but always known as "Bert" joined the Northumberland and he injured the 1st day of the Battle of Arrass by a sniper ans was shot through his mouth.  He was sent home and he was declared unfit for service sadly.  I do own his medals but I believe once a soldier has served in the war and sent home they are given a uniform and medal to show they are not deserters or people who do not sign up.  His Regiment number was 48157 and the rank of private.  I have contacted Alnwick Castle and gotten all his details but somehow in the past I received copies of his medical records.  I think my Dad must have asked for his records but sadly my Dad in 2011.  Can anyone help me?

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Janis, You appear to subscribe to the IWM "Lives of the First World War" [my subscription is currently lapsed so can't see details in full] however if you follow the Evidence/Search Records / British Army Service Records you should find a couple of results - from my experience the chance is these/at least one may perhaps be what you are looking for.  Here is a quick link that may help https://search.livesofthefirstworldwar.org/search/world-records/british-army-service-records?firstname=ethelbert samuel gerald&firstname_variants=true&lastname=elliott Matlock1418


P.S. You also appear to be looking for details of his Silver War badge - also availalble from IWM LOTFWW see link https://search.livesofthefirstworldwar.org/search/world-records/silver-war-badge-roll-1914-1920?firstname=ethelbert samuel gerald&firstname_variants=true&lastname=elliott

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