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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Wound Stripe


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I just noticed on my Grandfather 48th Highlander battledress blouse from the Second War that there is a red stripe on the left sleeve above the cuff. He served as Quartermaster at HQ 21st Army Group and never saw action. My mother told me he had been touched by gas at Passchendaele but there is no mention in his war record of the time. Is it possible that the effects of the gas were noticed after the war and thus earned him a stripe?

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IIRC WW1 wound stripes weren't red in colour and were discontinued circa 1922.


If the stripe is on the  right arm it is likely WW2 vintage.


This is copy and paste from British Badge Forum -  


Red stripe(s), worn on the lower right sleeve of the Service Dress Jacket and Battledress Blouse. One for each year of service, after 3rd September 1939. Printed or embroidered in red on a khaki background, chevron 3/16 inch wide with arms 3/4 inch long. AO 19 of 14th February 1944.


See below example - again from t'other forum.


Steve Y




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Further research has turned up this  internet entry which states that WW1 wound stripes were able to be shown in WW2  by a red stripe as you describe.


Steve Y



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