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2nd Btn KOYLI


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looking for information on where this Btn was on 27 October 1914. Trying to trace the place of death of a soldier killed on this date and mentioned on the memorial at La Touret

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Most of the originals were either killed, wounded or POWs as the Battalion was effectively annihilated at Le Cateau in Aug 1914. The remnants and subsequent reinforcements reformed the battalion. Here is the diary for the three dates running into 27th Oct 1914



Hostile aircraft early in day and directed enemy's heavy shell fire on our trenches. The result was a very severe bombardment which continued without intermission throughout the day. D Coy in support on the right suffered heavily. Capt R W S STANTON was wounded and owing to lightness of soil 2 men were buried alive and several more were only just got out in time. The men were considerably shaken but stuck splendidly to their posts and when the enemy made an advance about 3:00 pm our trenches [illegible] and successfully held off the whole attack.

Maj HEATHCOTE asked for reinforcements in case of emergencies and two companies DUKE OF CORNWALL'S LIGHT INF were sent up. They reinforced the front line during the night and prepared and improved the trenches which had been knocked about by shell fire. Sgt
WILLINGTON and Cpl COPLEY rendered very good work in bicycling along roads carrying messages to Brigade HQ when shell fire was very hot. Two other signal orderlies were wounded. Unfortunately amongst the killed were 3 full sergeants whom we could ill afford to spare.

Total casualties:  17 killed, , 1 Officer and 25 men wounded.

Reinforcements arrived with supplies consisting of Cap
t H F G CARTER 2nd Bn KOYLI, 2 Lt SHANNON Special Reserve SOMERSET LI, 2 Lt  B J CORBALLIS Special Reserve SOMERSET LI 2 Lt R N CARSWELL Special Reserve KOYLI



Early morning. Very heavy shell fringe on our trenches today from early morning. D Coy's trench was badly broken up for 40 yards. Men were buried alive. Capt R W S STANTON was wounded in the thigh by a piece of shell. The shelling consisted chiefly of so-called "Jack Johnsons" the 738 lb Lyddite shell. 17 men were killed and about 40 wounded .
10:30 pm. Capt H F G CARTER arrived with draft of 149 men and 2 Lt CARSWELL KOYLI 3rd Res Bn, 2 Lt SHANNON and CORBALLIS SOMERSET LIGHT INF. The draft went straight and dug themselves into trenches. 


27th Oct 1914. TRENCHES. Heavy Lyddite shell firing all day. Draft in reserve. Germans got through on left flank in small numbers. Our trenches were through some [illegible] Evacuated. However on retiring onto main road all were [illegible] and trenches were retaken and most of the Germans netted.


Some 30 were killed while 6 or 10 were taken prisoners. 1/2 draft remained in trenches. Lt CARSWELL killed, Lt WATKINS wounded , 2 Lt SHANNON sent home sick.




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