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ICRC abbreviations


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Can anyone help decipher the following abbreviations I found for a North Staffs (General List) officer POW Lt. E.V. Turner. He was reported missing at Grandcourt on 18//11/1916.

Schulterblatt (I think this means shoulder blade). Kriegs-Laz (military hospital?).

But what about?




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Schulterblatt is indeed Shoulder blade. dict.cc for German <-> English translations

Kriegs-lazarett Abteilung 1, 7 Armee Korps

War hospital/military hospital 1st brigade, 7th Army corps

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I've just had a GOOD LOOK at the ICRC form and it shows a date well before (28/10/14) the 8 North Staffordshire's attack on Grandcourt. So it's the wrong Turner!! Just shows, you should never jump to conclusions too quickly. But thanks again for getting back to me so promptly, JWK.


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