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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1/7th Worcestershire Regt 26th-28th August 1917

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Dear All

Can someone help me please. I've been researching 2nd Lt R P Thompson of the 1/7th Bn Worcestershire Regt who was wounded in action on 27/8/1917. There is an interesting account of the action on pages 283-284 of The Worcestershire Regt in the Great War by Capt H F Stacke. Unfortuneatly the war diary account of the action in which 2nd Lt Thompson was wounded in WO95/4249 is too faint to read. Does anyone know of the following please:

  • Access to a transcript of the war diary from 26-30/08/1917?
  • Is there a better copy of this section of the diary at the Worcs Regt Museum?
  • Any other detailed accounts of this particular action apart from the book by Capt Stacke?

Many thanks for any help

Kind regards




I think I have but I am not at my computer at the moment.

Pm me your e mail address and I'll have a look in the morning





Many thanks for your help. It is much appreciated and will give the story of 2nd Lt Thompson's part in the Great War much needed detail.

Kind regards


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