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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Death plaque/memorial. Advice sought

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Hi, this is my first post so excuse if I have breached any house rules. I couldn't find the correct forum to introduce myself.

I'll jump straight in with a question and hope one of the replies will point me in the right direction to formally introduce myself.

I have recently been through my late fathers possessions ( took me a while seeing as he passed in 1990) and came across a war office specimen death plaque dated 1920.

Anybody have any information on these. I have some other plaques relating to family members who died in the Great War and know a little about the plaques issued to service personnel who paid the ultimate price.

I know only what Google was able to supply on these specimens I.e. They were for each relevant government department to approve but would be interested in any other information.




welcome. any chance of a pic of the plaque ?


I'm on an iPad and can't seem to reduce the size of the photo to upload it. Technophobe I'm afraid



I have seen them before try here http://www.britishmedalforum.com/ also for a gang of very helpful medal experts. If it is as you describe it has some value.


Thanks for the replies. I'll check out that medal forum.


Just like the one in the photo except marked War Office Specimen


Quite valuable!

Last one sold on ebay for lots and lots, if I recall...




We have a number of threads on specimen plaques on the BMF. The last I saw sold was in 2011 for 375£, that was on the forum and not ebay.




The one on ebay went for lots as it was the "She Died" WAR OFFICE PATTERN


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