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Posted (edited)

Hoping for some help on this man’s Red Cross patches and if he could be a CQMS or A/CQMS.

The photo was taken at the Neurological Unit, Seale-Hayne, Devon, probably Autumn 1918 up to Summer 1919. There are 5 men in the original photo and I have fairly good IDs for 3 of them. I’m sure they were all patients and have either a Pension Record or SWB and have managed to thin out a big list for E Jordan Sgt. To 4 possible men who are either CQMS, A/CQMS or Sgt. but I’m not sure about the position/role of CQMS or the Red Cross patches, perhaps he is a first aider? as none of my records suggest RAMC etc. or perhaps he is staff at the hospital?? Not very uniform like footwear though.

Anyway I have:

Best contender.

3/11043 CQMS Edward Jordan DCM. Northampton Regt. Enlisted 13/8/14 Discharged 18/4/17. Pension record says shell shock Oct 1916. DOB makes him 37 in the photo but should have scar left forehead and right eye, 5’5’’ which seems about right. Not sure when he would have received his DCM and if he should have a ribbon in this photo.

8869 A/CQMS Ernest Jordan 2nd Devons. MIC states L/Cpl not Sgt. Enlisted 1908 Discharged 2/6/1919.

s/6881 Sgt. Ernest Jordan RAOC. 26/6/11 – Discharged 12/5/19. Sick. No further info.

49779 B/Sergt Major. Ernest William Charles Jordan. RFA/RGA. Pension record says born abt 1865 enlisted Sept 1914 but Discharged Para 392 IIIc Feb 1915. No MIC, no service overseas. Not really a good contender




Edited by TEW

Oh dear, that'll scupper my hopes. I based a few things on the man second from right as per viewer (Russell?) has RAMC badge but has Red Cross patches on his cuff rather than above the rank stripes. Haven't worked out a name for the RAMC man as yet who also has a wound stripe and something else above his Red Cross Patches.

Thanks anyway




He is a Medical Orderly RAMC and it does look like an RAMC cap badge.


  • 2 months later...

The left hand

man is probably RAMC ...... canot be 100% certain because not unknown for soldiers in combat units attached to the RMO to wear the Geneva Cross illegally.

Next man with wound stripe also appears to have one overseas chevron but in my opinion cap badge is not RAMC

Next man may be a doctor in civvies?

Next is a RAMC warrant officer, probably class 2 judging by his jacket.

Right hand man may not be RAMC ....... cap badge seems unlikely.

I cannot detect a medical orderly among them.

  • Admin

"Next man may be a doctor in civvies?"

Or just a civvie with an SWB?


"Next man may be a doctor in civvies?"

Or just a civvie with an SWB?

yes, i wondered about that .......... or an invalided doctor with a SWB .............. !


Thanks for the additional information. The man in civvies with SWB is Henry Wyndham Bernard Wood, discharged 15/11/17 from 330th Siege Batt RGA. Patient

Other man with cigarette in hand and wound stripe is Edmund Evans, London Regt. Patient, fantastic ancestry records for him, full medical trail from dugout he was blown up in to his arrival at Seale Hayne. Medical charts that give details of his daily bowel movements!!! Died at age 94 in 1984, Surrey.

Man far right is Ewart Rhodes from St Helens, another RGA man and patient.

Had originally wondered if the left hand man, Sgt E Jordan could be a patient as he looked a little scruffy to me compared to RAMC Warrant Officer. Can't decipher the RAMC WO's name either.




Rhodes is a Gunner as well; cap badge and white lanyard confirm...


The man not in SD is not strictly speaking in civilian clothes but a patient in the 3-piece suit version of hospital blues. This was a more rarely seen version that did not have the white lining and was cut more like a conventional suit along with waistcoat. He wears with it the usual red tie and white shirt. There is a separate thread that covers the variation of hospital blues.

I agree that Rhodes is a Gunner RA.


Thanks for that, I did do a seperate thread for what the 'civvy' was wearing as I have other photos of groups of patients in various attire. Given the number of men wearing the same suit it would appear to be official wear.

Rhodes was with 147th Heavy Battery RGA when wounded.

ororkep posted the following for that battery on the day Rhodes was wounded with 'GSW head/mild'

On Sept 2 147 HB suffered a premature on No 1 gun, killing one and wounding three OR’s. The 48 Brigade was in support of operations against the Drocourt-Queant line, and under control of the Canadian Corps. Their 60 pdrs had been brought forward to be in range of the Canal du Nord, and positioned at U3d.8.9 (Sheet 51bSW) in the vicinity of Cherisy.

Any ideas on the armband Rhodes is wearing??


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