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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1st/9th London Regiment Queen Victoria's Rifles

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A friend has asked me to find out about a relative killed in the Great War, Rifleman Allen James Seaborn 393019 who was killed 13th August 1917 serving with the above. He is commemorated on the Menin Gate.

I cannot find his Service Record on Ancestry but have got his Medal Card. I looked for the battalion War Diary but it seemed to be one that has not been digitised yet.

Can anyone help with what the battalion were doing during the period 12th to the 14th of August 1917.

Any information would be gratefully received


From "Queen Victoria's Rifles 1792 - 1922" by C.A.C. Keeson. "On August 13th heavy shelling took place all day, 2nd Lieut. M.C.T. Bate being killed at 9.30 am. An hour later an endeavour was made to establish a line of posts in Glencorse Wood, in the course of which Capt. E.D. Symes, M.C., was killed and 2nd Lieut Pelham Rusell Caley mortally wounded. On 14th the battalion was relieved by the 1st L.R.B."

This was at the Third Battle of Ypres. Unfortunately Regimental Histories generally don't mention other ranks in them unless someone did something outstanding but it does give a view that your man either was killed in the heavy shelling or the effort to improve the line. As his body was not recovered the former seems the most likely.


Thank you very much for the info.


Just for your information, the war diary does not give any further details other than those given to you by Jim, above.

At the back of the history it gives these details about your friend's relative:

Seaborn, Allen James, b. Braxted, enlisted Little Totham (living Little Totham), 393019, Rfn., k. in a., France & Flanders, 13/8/17, formerly 1766, Essex Regt.

I realise that the last point doesn't directly relate to your original query, but thought I would add it, just in case it was of interest.



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