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I am researching a man who was in the Army Service Corps.

I have his service record which states that he was serving with the 3rd Company, 21st Division "train"

From reading the long long trail info - does this mean that he worked transporting supplies etc to the 21st Division? would he have followed the division around?

From this, if I find what battles the 21st Division were involved in I would know that he was also in that area?

He was a horseman prior to the war and in his service records he was fined 2 days pay for losing his whip - so I assume he was also a horseman in the ASC?

Can anyone tell me more about how the ASC operated?

Thanks for reading this post




I'll take a stab and stand to be corrected.

Train does not automatically refer to a locomotive, remember wagon train!

As he was a horseman and you mention a lost whip I would suggest that he was a driver. All stores including food and ammo.equipment and baggage were needed by each battalion and as each Bttn moved so would the stores,.


Click on the long long trail above, then regiments and then Army service corps. Most of your information will be there.


There are many books written about the operations of the ASC, none better than Ärmy Service Corps 1902-1918 by Michael Young, which explains in detail the working of the corps and its units.


The prefix to his service number will confirm if he was a horse transport driver. Does it have a "T" in it?

All the best,



Hello Louise

The company was also known as 184 Company ASC. If you can find Michael Young's book, Annex Q will give you a little more information. If you can get t the National Archives at Kew, the War Diary of 21 Div Train is in file WO95/149. War Diaries rarely mention men by name other than officers, but the location of the unit, and a brief description of its activities, is normally given for each day.

Good hunting!



Hi Louise,

Carrying on from Ron's excellent posting

Young records in his book

184 Company. Formed 26 November 1914. Disbanded April-June 1919. On Western front with 21st Division. War Diary WO/95 2149 and 2150

The War Diaries, unfortunately, are not downloadable,






Hello and thank you all very much for your replies and excellent information.

Sorry I have not received any notification of your replies, hence the delay in my response.

I will now go and work my way through all of your suggestions :)


I have attached a copy of the top section of Goldstream Coe's service records.

Waggoner - there are some letters pre-fixing the service number but I cannot be sure what it says.

It does state in the top right that it was Horse Transport.



I have just downloaded the ASC book by Michael Young onto kindle. Thanks for the suggestions.

Unfortunately I will not be visiting Kew, but it will be on my list of to do's when I get there. I will keep a look out on TNA to see if they add the diaries (fingers crossed).

Thank you all.


Looks like a "T4" prefix to me. Definitely, horse transport.

All the best,


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