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I am used to SDGW but is there one for the RN?

I have several men on my local Memorial from RNR but only 2 who may be from the navy.

I am interested in finding out whether or not either of these men has Campbeltown connectons,

Telegraphist. James Donald. J/41205. Who died when HMS Gaillardia was mined and sunk.

Stoker. Charles MacKinnon. SS/102965. Who died when HMS Aboukir was torpedoed.

Could anyone help me out here as I cant find the answer myself.

Any help would be much appreciated.



According to CWGC MacKinnon was a native of Grangemouth,and Donald from Partick Glasgow, if you have not gone down this route. Ralph.


MacKinnon was born in Campbeltown, Argyll. Donald was born in Glasgow. (RN records ADM 188)


1911 census has MacKinnon as a stoker 1st class born Cantyre Grangemouth. Ralph.


Sorry Ralph, I had checked CWGC but the only details I have on these men is the names and ratings on the Memorial itself, and these 2 men are the only matches I can find. I was hoping that there might be a born, enlisted, lived option if a Sailors Died disc existed.


Now this is where I show my ignorance. How do you access ADM 188.. I cant find McKinnons birth cert on Scotlands People but I would be chuffed if he was a Campbeltonian. I wonder if the Cantyre reference is actually Kintyre (as in Mull of).

James Donald may have been born in Partick, Glasgow but of Campbeltown parents, gives me something to work on.

Thanks for the help lads.



Ancestry has the Royal Navy and Royal Marine War Graves Roll, 1914 - 1919.


The address given for James' father is --- James c/o Addison, Balvormie Cottage, Linlithgow.


Thanks again for the help folks. It would appear that Charles was born in CN and had been in the Navy since 1906, I will trawl Scolands People for a connection for James when I can prise the credit card from the wifes fingers. Thank you all.



So no "Sailors Died", then?


No john. As mentioned by ulsterlad, the information on ancestry is the closest.


There are 2 publications that cover the RN, Corss of Sacrifice Volume II and Cross of Sacrifice Volume IV by SD & JB Jarvis, the information is, I believe, taken from CWGC information. But they are quite useful books to have on the bookshelf.




There are 2 publications that cover the RN, Corss of Sacrifice Volume II and Cross of Sacrifice Volume IV by SD & JB Jarvis, the information is, I believe, taken from CWGC information. But they are quite useful books to have on the bookshelf.



If you buy the Naval & Military Press reprints then you will also have to get Volume V, Officers, Men & and Women of the Merchant Navy and Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary 1914-21. This is because there are names missing from Volume IV & the addendum is in Volume V. Volume IV also covers RNAS, RFC, & RAF. Volume II also covers RNAS & RAF.


Yes you are, of course, right, the addendum contains around 600 names, not a lot in relation to the total but you can guarantee the one you want is always there.


From FMP Naval Casualties 1914 - 1919

Name: James DONALD
Rating: Ord. Tel.
Birth date/place: 10.10.99. Glasgow, Lanark.
Section scan: 8/0151
Service branch: R.N.
Official number: J. 41502. (Ch.)
Cause of death: Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action.
Date of death: 22/03/1918
Location of grave: Not recorded
Cemetery: Body not recovered for burial
Relatives notified: Father. James. c/o Addison, Balvormie Cottage, Linlithgow.
Name: Charles MACKINNON Rating: Sto 1st
Birth date/place: 2.7.83. Campbletown Argyll
Section scan: 9/0337
Service branch: R.N.
Ship unit: HMS ABOUKIR
Official number: S.S.102965 (R.F.R.Ch B. 7581) (Ch)
Cause of death: Killed or died as a direct result of enemy action.
Date of death: 22/09/1914
Location of grave: Not recorded
Cemetery: Body not recovered for burial
Relatives notified: Father:- Charles, Mackinnon. 23 Northdown St Pentonville N.

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