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I hope this is in the right place and that someone might be able to help me. I know it's a very long shot, but qui ne tente rien n'a rien

here goes nothing...

I have a copy of a very interesting article in my documentation - you can find it by Google the titel - in German, with the title Verdun - Preussische Groteske. It's about how Lt Brandis took the so-called "miraculous surrender" of Douaumont for him, claimed the victory and then spent the years between the wars touring universities to give lectures on his great action.

It was published by "Der Spiegel", Nb 48, november 1979.

Problem is: there is no mention of an author !! I contacted Der Spiegl and they say they have no record of an author because at that time, authoring articles was not the house Policy. so they cannot help me.

I Wonder if anyone here would have knowlegde of the article in question and could tell me WHO WROTE IT ????

Der Spiegel told me I could just quote it "DER SPIEGEL (ed)", but a name is always better in a bibliography...

Thanks for any answer,


PS: I also asked the question on a German forum ..



A very long shot - however: you could try searching for the title in this online catalogue, checking the boxes for the German libraries in the list of selectable libraries at the foot of the page. http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/kvk_en.html

It is just remotely possible that a dedicated librarian catalogued the article separately and spent time looking up the author. Or that the author published the article as a separate pamphlet. Otherwise - if Der Spiegel doesn't know, I can't think who would.



Thanks, SeaJane.

It was worth a try but did not give any results... bad luck for me!!



Sorry :( c'est la vie

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