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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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A list of some of downloads available (there may be more?)

Training Manual Royal Flying Corps Part 1 1914

Australian Military Forces - BOOTS Instructions regarding the fitting preservation and care 1914

Australian Military Forces - Military Orders 1918

Assault Training - Issued by the General Staff 1917

Duties of Anti-Gas Personnel and Instructions for Protection of Dug-outs Against Gas 1917

Guard and Sentry Duties Handbook - Fifth Edition 1916

Hints to Officers on Command, Discipline and Care of the Men 1916

Instructions for Gas Alert and Action During a Gas Attack 1916

Second Army Instructions for Gas Alert and Action During a Gas Attack - Instructions for Carrying Small Respirators and Tube Helmets 1916

Second Army Instructions for Gas Alert and Action During a Gas Attack - Instructions for Carrying Small Respirators and Tube Helmets 1917

Fifth Army Instructions for Gas Alert and Action During a Gas Attack - Instructions for Carrying Small Respirators and Tube Helmets 1917

Instructions for the Training of the British Armies in France 1917 UK

Instructions for the Training of the British Armies in France 1918 UK

Instructions to Govern Books, Forms, Stationery and Office Requisites for Defence Department 1918

Instructions to Pay Representatives of the Australian Imperial Force 1918

Key to Infantry Training Including Section, Platoon, Company and Battalion Drill, Ceremonial, Guard and Outposts 1914

Musketry Small Book for the Australian Imperial Force 1916

Notes on Horse Managment in the Field 1918

Notes on the Laws and Customs of War 1914

Offence versus Defence in the Air 1917

Outposts and Advanced, Flank and Rear Guards 1915

Recruiting Campaign Facts and Extracts for Speakers Organisers and Recruiters 1918

Recruiting Campaign No. 2 Organizers Companion 1917

The New Company Drill Simplified with Squad Section and Platoon Drill 1914 UK

Training Musketry and Rifle Exercises 1917

War Service Instructions 1916

Training Leaflet No1 Sample of a Days Training for a Company 1918 This document is provided courtesy of Chris Henderson.

SS 453 Notes on German Gas Shells, General Staff (Intelligence), General Headquarters 1916

Despatch by General Sir Edmund Allenby G.C.M.G., K.C.B. Commander in Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary Forces in Palestine 28/10/1917 to 11/12/1917

Standing Orders for A.A.M.C Australian Corps 1918


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