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How many UK war dead remain in France and Belgium?


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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to ascertain how many UK nationals who served in the UK armed forces on the Western Front in 1914-18 never returned from France or Belgium, but instead are either buried there, or have no known resting place but are commemorated by name there. I've tried to glean an answer from the CWGC's Annual Report for 2010-11, but unfortunately its figures aren't broken down that way. Many thanks for any help you may be able to give.

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John that will not include "Known unto God" will it as the CWGC database does not record these. Would you not have to deduct these (if the number were known) from the number recorded on memorials to arrive at a net figure?.


PS This could end up very complicated :rolleyes:

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Whist Psychic was seeking to determine

How many UK nationals who served in the UK armed forces on the Western Front in 1914-18 never returned from France or Belgium,

but instead are either buried there, or have no known resting place

Spare a few moments to remember today the 5,934 UK nationals who lost their lives in the Great War ,

Who are buried or commemorated in Germay many of who served on the Western Front were taken prisoner

and died in enemy hands

Regards Ray

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Not forgetting the 67 in Switzerland many also at the time Prisoners of war

shall we go on ?

regards Ray

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You may wish to take account of those who died in F&F but whose bodies were repatriated in the early part of the war. Also the figures quoted will include all those who served in the UK forces I think? Regardless of whether they were UK or foreign nationals?

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As usual

This thread has slightly been diverted away from the original question which John has kindly answered

Have not soldier’s been discovered who have a grave and are also commemorated on a memorial thus being counted twice

The true figure will probably never be known

Johns answer is about as near as close to it as you will get

regards Ray

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Have not soldier’s been discovered who have a grave and are also commemorated on a memorial thus being counted twice

Yes. But I believe only a handful.

And, of course, there are also the men discovered by modern day researchers, including the volunteers from the In From the Cold project, who are not yet commemorated on actual memorials (but are recognise in the online database.

I'm trusting the figures I've given above will be sufficiently accurate for Psychic's purposes.


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Quote from John Hartley

(I'm trusting the figures I've given above will be sufficiently accurate for Psychic's purposes)

With him being Psychic, Could the o p not just have read our minds :unsure:

regards Ray

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You were just ahead of me. I rumbled psychics when I saw an advert posted ourside Church Hall for a Pshychics' Fair.Perhaps cabbages think different?

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Found this some time ago is it any help.



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