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I'm in the process of migrating my 6th DLI database over to a wordpress site to match the other sites I have but I seem to be having technical problems with the change over - can someone please visit http://www.durhamlightinfantry.net and tell me what happens when you do.

Thanks for the assistance.

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The basic site is displayed then in a lrage are to centre right ther message 'Hi there, you seem to be lost is displayed' and the page tab is continually alternating between your DurhamLightInfantry.net and 'Connecting'

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Thanks - The site in the should be the whole page rather than in the frame. I don't know if its just old goggle indexed pages loading or whether I've buggered it when changing over.

I've had trouble before with page changes propagating out but never quite like this.

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To be precise this is what keeps flashing on and off - most irritating!

Certainly is and I cannot figure out what its doing - the page its trying to load has been deleted from the host so shouldn't be showing up unless its cached somewhere - previously my host has been very slow in propagating changes but now I cannot even access my site login so it may be a problem with the host.

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The browser is downloading an html language page with a cfm suffix - not a php one which I would expect to see for Wordpress. Do you need to set up a permanent page redirect, or perhaps just remove your old index page from your web space?

EDIT: I see you have done the latter. Might also be worth reading the Wordpress advice on migrating sites. Is your host running Apache?

ADDED: In your code is this: it is producing that horrible flashing effect and may be taking browsers away from the WP home page..

<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=http://www.durhamlightinfantry.net/home/">

ADDED: running WP in a frame in an html page will not work.

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Thanks Chris - the original page with the frameset should not be on the site - I removed the entirety of the pages for my old site yesterday - I have a feeling the server I'm hosting on somehow caches the pages as I've notice in the past it can take some time for changes to appear even when I link direct to the site.

ADDED: In your code is this: it is producing that horrible flashing effect and may be taking browsers away from the WP home page..

<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=http://www.durhamlightinfantry.net/home/">

I think you right but I cannot now get on to the server to playaround with it (I can't even see the webpage anymore)

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I've wiped the site to start again and I've redirected to a temporary index page (which should work)...

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I don't (amazingly, given my navigational skills) get a 'you're lost' message, but I am taken to a basic Wordpress page with this below the Leave Reply box

You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>

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Thanks everyone - it appears I bodged the original transfer but , in my defence, the host has also been having server problems.

Kate - That seems to be one of the functions of the leave a reply option but it is annoying - it doesn't appear on the wordpress.com sites but some reason it does on my self hosted site as it uses a slight different set-up - and something I'll be looking to see if I can alter. Does it show you text content of the page ?

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This is what I am getting (BT broadband, IE9):

The same as I was getting yesterday, Chris, whilst it was still looking for my old index page - it appears to be a cache problem as clearing the cache on both of my machines cleared the problem's after I re-installed wordpress. If it's still reoccurring for people I'll put the page back up with a redirect.

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Kate - That seems to be one of the functions of the leave a reply option but it is annoying - it doesn't appear on the wordpress.com sites but some reason it does on my self hosted site as it uses a slight different set-up - and something I'll be looking to see if I can alter. Does it show you text content of the page ?

The text is all there crisp and clear.

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