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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Help with map reference, exhumation 1st Bn CG, Battle of The Aisne

Gunner R.A.

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I have a soldier from the 1st Bn Coldstream Guards who was initially reported missing (later assumed killed) 14th Sept 1914, Battle of the Aisne.

After contacting the CWGC I was told that his body was exhumed in 1923 and gave the following map reference,

"Our limited archival documents provide the following map reference for the location where the casualty's remains were exhumed”,

Soissons. 1/100000.

1.H.98 x 37

Could anyone please confirm the exact location for me and if at all possible a scan of this portion of the original map, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated,

I originally posted this in the soldiers forum and did get some replies/help including looking at the McMasters university site which was helpful. However I really need the 1914 trench map for this location to precisely locate the site of exhumation.

Kind regards,


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However I really need the 1914 trench map for this location

There isn't one (other than rough sketch maps, etc)

I do have later dated trench maps of the whole area in scales from 1:5000 through to 1:25000, though. Give me a clue as to where I'm looking (I don't have any 1:100,000 scale maps of here to utilise the reference from and find the McMasters site such a chore that I can never be bothered with it) and I'll post something of the area.


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Closed - appears to be a duplicate thread - I'll delete it later

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