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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Transcribed war diary - 7th DLI


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I did it as a distraction from working on the sixth Durhams as it wasn't too much work. Ive also hyperlinked the diaries where they reference each other.

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How is your eyesight?

Some of the most difficult documents I have ever tried to read are a number of different DLI War Dairies I downloaded from the National Archive, written in pencil by officers likely with thoughts of becoming a doctor.

When I tried to read such I got eye strain, so I have the greatest admiration for anyone setting out to transcribe such records.

Great Website

All the best

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Sore, for a start.

The records are terrible in places and I've had a battle - the fact I have my data base of officers and men has helped in that regard - but the biggest problem I've had was the order of the pages and trying to figure out what goes were.

The worst document I've done recently was a 6th DLI T.F Casualty list from the Times - blow it up and you lose clarity, drop the zoom and your eyes pop out trying to read it . On the plus side it gives me men that weren't in the 'same' list when it appeared in a local paper and I've found another 5 or 6 'missing' men as a bonus.

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