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Alfred Bouchard sgt 7071 Royal marines


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I need some help in explaining this medal index card please.

Alfred appears as a sergeant in the R.M. No 7071 and the MIC appears to suggest at the bottom he was entitled to some medals but there is no overseas service shown.

Also there is an Alfred William Bouchard in the 1919 absent voters list at 62 Munton Rd Southwark, who is shown as Ch 7070 Pte R.M. HMS Hyacinth.

Although the numbers differ by 1 I'm assuming they are the same man.

I'd be grateful if someone can explain the 68/121/1742 (18) reference and also interpret the "Com Met Police" reference written at the bottom of the card.

Also any info about HMS Hyacinth would be welcome.

I'm researching the Bouchard family and Albert William Bouchard and Alfred Edward Bouchard in particular. There is no Alfred William as far as I know and I'm suspecting that there was some confusion with the registering of these names. I'm hoping if I can find out more about his service it will help me sort things out.

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Well, it would appear from the context that he was a Police Constable in the Metropolitan Police, either pre or post War, to be included in the Commander's Roll of medal entitlements in January 1921. Just what those medals were isn't shown, as not making any reference to the British War or Victory medal rolls.

Can't crack the other reference.

Was 96 Grove Road, Bow a family residence, as Louisa lost one son in WW1 and another in WW2?

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A link to Ancestry for those not subscribing is a waste of time.

The primary source for RM Medals is the RM Medal Roll ADM 171. This shows he was issued with the 1914 Star and Clasp, BWM and Victory Medal.

He served with Chatham Battalion RND at the Defence of Antwerp.

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Thanks to you both. I think I'm beginning to build the history of this man.

I've followed up your suggestion of the RM medal roll reference and also found his attestation papers from 1892 are at Kew.

These should confirm his family if I can get to Kew. I'm pretty sure the family are mother Elizabeth, father Louis, living in St Martins in the Fields and Holburn (not Bow with mother Louisa).

He was discharged in 1904 - reason "limited engagement". Any ideas what that means - could they just be cutting numbers - not needing so many RMs?

I think he got married in 1904 - perhaps that was a reason for leaving.

I've also found an Alfred Bouchard in 1911 census - a police constable - so that would explain the reference on the empty MIC card.

So I guess he must have re-enisted for WW1 and been assigned at some point after Antwerp to HMS Hyacinth (ref. on absent voters list in 1918 in Southwark) which seems to have spent most of the War around Africa.

Thanks again


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"Discharged Limited Engagement" (DLE) means that he completed 12 years (from age 18 or date of enlisting if later) of the first part of a Continuous Service (CS) engagement. He could have signed on for a further nine years to complete time for pension but chose not to (or was not accepted).

On completion of his 12 years he enrolled in the Royal Fleet Reserve (RFR/B/1504). On the outbreak of WW1 he did not re-enlist but was mobilised from the RFR for active service.

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  • 9 years later...

I came across this post whilst tidying up some other research.
I recognise the post is an old one and The original poster ianocon has not visited the GWF since 2016 but thought to add some additional information in case any other person researches Alfred Edward Bouchard in the future.

Alfred Edward Bouchard , dob 22 May 1874 Covent Garden, Central London joined the Metropolitan Police ( MP) on 16 th May 1904 and retired to pension on the 19 th June 1927 as a Police Constable R Division. ( Greenwich Borough) .

He was allocated warrant number 90725 ( unique to him ).

Married on the 4 th October 1904 at the  Wesleyan Chapel, Plumpstead   Common, SE London to a Florence Louisa Thatcher.

According to 1911 Census he was living with his family at 9 Belmont Grove , Lee, Lewisham, SE London.

The 1918 absent voters register shows living at 62 Munton  Road, Southwark , SE London , a Alfred Edward Bouchard and Alfred William Bonchard, there is also a reference to Ch,7071 Pte. R.M  “ HMS Hyacinth”.

In the 1939 England and Wales register he is living at 171 Altimore  Avenue , East Ham , in East London but not with his wife.

At the outset of WW1  PC 680 R Division Bouchard ( 90725) was recalled to Service as a Reservist ( Royal Fleet Reserve) ) and is noted in Police Orders dated 5 th August 1914  as joining the Navy. Previously served in Royal Marine Light Infantry( RMLI) Sgt 7701.

He returned to join the MP on the 28 th April 1919.

I have not researched his War Service or life further yet but will do in due course.

Edited by Toontraveller
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23 minutes ago, Toontraveller said:

some additional information in case any other person researches Alfred Edward Bouchard in the future.

Alfred William BOUCHARD in all his RMLI records.

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