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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

3rd Hussars recruit training


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Could someone tell me where 3rd Hussar recruits did their training in August 1913? Also, were there any particular areas that the 3rd Hussars recruited from?


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Your absolutely right. I've been going around in circles for so long I've forgotten where I've been! And still no closer.


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Well, apart from Irish regiments (and, I assume, The 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)), recruitment for cavalry was not regional: a recruit could request a specific regiment, but would only be posted there if vacancies existed (for example, the 11th Hussars (PAO) were apparently very popular because of the cherry bums. The cavalry was never allocated territorialy like the infantry.

I'll check on the recruit training thing: I'm really not sure.

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Thanks Steven. Any help would really be appreciated. I'm currently trying to link him to Bristol area.


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