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Meikle brothers, Gloucestershire Regiment


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I have recently discovered a couple of 3rd cousins of mine who fell in action in 1916 within a few months of each other. The only information I have regarding the military records/deaths of brothers Thomas and Andrew Meikle is from the CWGC site and I hoped regulars here might be able to add more information.

Andrew Meikle, 13887 Gloucestershire Regiment, died 5th March 1916

Thomas Meikle, 13888 Gloucestershire Regiment, died 30th July 1916

I'm keen to know more about when they enlisted (clearly together given their service numbers), what their movements would have been after enlistment, how and where they died and why a couple of London born boys would have enlisted in the Gloucestershire Regiment.

Thanks in advance,


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They would not have enlisted with the Gloucestershires, most likely both tranferred to them on disembarkation in France, which was also the same day for both men!! There doesn't seem to be much on either men on Ancestry, but Thomas is mentioned as son of Tom/Elizabeth of Burmester Rd, Tooting. Will have another look and get bact to you.



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From SDGW:

Name: Andrew Meikle

Birth Place: Walworth, Surrey

Death Date: 5 Mar 1916

Death Location: France & Flanders

Enlistment Location: Wandsworth, London

Rank: Private

Regiment: Gloucestershire Regiment

Battalion: 8th Service Battalion

Number: 13887

Type of Casualty: Killed in action

Theatre of War: Western European Theatre

Name: Thomas James Meikle

Birth Place: Walworth, Surrey

Death Date: 30 Jul 1916

Death Location: France & Flanders

Enlistment Location: Wandsworth,London

Rank: Private

Regiment: Gloucestershire Regiment

Battalion: 8th Service Battalion

Number: 13888

Type of Casualty: Killed in action

Theatre of War: Western European Theatre

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Both in the same battalion,

I can't help thinking like a mother, losing 1 son must be dreadful but to lose another 3 months later. You can't imagine the grief of parents at a time like that.

Looking at their medal index cards, they both went to France on 18th July 1915.

From LLT:

1/8th (Cyclist) Battalion

August 1914 : in Colchester, unallotted to a Brigade. Moved on mobilisation to the Essex coast, Bn HQ being at Wivenhoe. Came under orders of 73rd Division January-October 1917. Moved in January 1917 to Southminster and on in October to Margate. Moved to Enniskillen in February 1918, then on to the Curragh (March), Tulla and Naas (October 1918).

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They both served with the 8th service Battalion, so you could follow the LLT link (top right of page) and you should get a better idea of what they were up to.


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Given their enlistment location there may be more information in the Surrey Recruitment Registers, which can be found online at FindMyPast - or several members of the forum own the CD version from Surrey History Trust (including me, but I'm writing this on my phone, not my PC). That would show their original regiment/corps, and possibly battalion. It would also show their original enlistment date

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13883 Albert Wall enlisted 8th Bn Gloucestershire regiment 7/9/1914, if that's a clue.

Not much help with this thread, but I noticed the following;

The Meikle family lived at 59 Burmester Rd, Tooting. The year after the brothers were killed, neighbour's son Harold Domney (17yr 7months) of number 57 Burmester Rd joined Sussex Regiment. On the other side, number 61, John Frederick Davis joined the Suffolk Regiment. He was killed 11/9/1918.

Obviously, with the three houses being in a row and all having young families, they would have known each other well.

Imagine Mrs Meikle, having lost two sons, watching these younger men joining up. The war was still raging on and her three other sons were getting nearer to the age of eligibility.

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At this time I cannot help with enlistment dates (ancestry is on hold at mo) but there sems to be a block of men with the 0138* - 0139**

that were all 8th Battalion men. All of these as far as I can see were associated with and/or enlisted in London. It is possible that they were

locally recruited in London and received basic training with a local reserve regiment and then transfered to the Glosters or as Sean

mentioned maybe when in France but as both men embarked for France with the Battalion I would suggest they were already with the


The Battalion war diary shows from 04/03 - 07/03/16 they were in billets in Riez Bailleul. Andrew may have been wounded earlier in the month

and succumbed to those on the 05/03. Andrew isn't mentioned and there is no specific casualty lists for that time. Although throughout Feb and

Mar there was intermittent machine gun, rifle, sniper and shell fire.

For the 30/07/16 the Battalion was involved in an attack at Bazentin - le - Petit at 6.10pm on the enemy's intermediate line. The attack was held

up by enfilade machine gun fire and concealed snipers. The Battalion returned to their front line at 9.30pm. The casualties were 8 Officers killed

3 wounded and 3 missing. Other ranks 160.

Hope this helps,


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Many thanks to all of you who have taken the time to respond and provide me with so much more information so quickly.

Sandie & IPT, as a parent I can't imagine how Tom and Andrew's family would have felt, particularly as the third son was already 15 and approaching enlistment age.

Simon, details from the diary are particularly interesting - shame there isn't the same level of information available for March.

Sean and David, thanks for thoughts on enlistment.

Any further information gratefully received.

Thanks again,


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The Glosters Museum website says killed in action as well so maybe a stray shell. There can be discrepencies I have

found casualties who have showed killed in action from some resources and died of sickness in others. I'll keep digging

and see what I can find. The diary is very detailed but in general when in billets not alot of info is added except for anything

out of the ordinary. If you would like the war diary entries for March and July let me know and I'll send them over.

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Hi Kenny,

PM me your e-mail address and I will send them over.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

very interested to read these posts about the Meikle brothers - my great uncle Roland Banks (svc no 4455) was attached to 8th Glosters from 20th Royal Fusliiers and was also killed on 30/7/16 - at least presumed dead ! I have his obituary from the Warrington Guardian and the 20th's war diaries but would appreciate copies of 8th Glosters as well.- dont know if theyd be that much different ?

Was looking at images of trench maps but all seem to be of 14th July period. I see there is a book online by Pen & Sword "Bazentin Le Petit: Somme"

but again seems to focus on 14th july attacks.- would it cover the attacks at end of month too? Hoping to visit the area next year, so trench maps and guidebook would be useful.

any more info on Bazentin attacks and tips for exploring would be appreciated. Obviously with need to respect landowners etc. But wondering what if anything can be seen on present day landscape.


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There is a mention of the 8th Glosters receiving a draft of 67 Other ranks on the 11/07/16 from the 20th Royal Fusiliers.

If you PM your e-mail address I will send over whatever pages of the 8th Glosters you need.

Cheers Simon.

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