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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

anyone going from Paris to Vimy on 28 October?


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Good afternoon all,

A distant relative has generously offered to let me visit her in Paris in the coming days. I would like to go visit Vimy while I am in France. I would like to get a look at the terrain with an eye to studying it more closely as part of my PhD (which is currently on hold due to family and health reasons) and even have a contact in site to speak with on the 28th.

The problem is that, being that my PhD is on hold, I don't have access to any funding from the university and I don't think I can afford the trip by train out of my own pocket. I know it's a long shot, but woud anyone happen to be heading that way on that date who could give me a ride? Or who knows of a deeply discounted way of getting there myself?



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Hi Angela,

for your information TGV Train from PARIS to ARRAS is about 30 euros during the week, but you might be able to get a student rate.



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