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nz archive record


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Sorry - more information required please. Do you have a name or anything? Archives NZ have files some of which are digitalised but a lot are not. You would have to order up an existing file and they will make a digital copy if they have it and place it on their website.


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Hi, archive details? Here they are: McFARLANE, Henry Waldon - WW1 10/3008 - Army

agency:AABK Series:18805 Accession:W5544 box/item:67/ record number:0073113

Thats all its got, heres a link: http://www.archway.a...chwayPublicApp1

if any other info i need just ask.

cheers kerran

EDIT: sorry that link only takes you to the search screen, just type in his details and you will get his record details.

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Email: reference@archives.govt.nz and request your file! However that will cost you $25 smackers, or an over the counter request at the archives in Wellington wont cost you anything. If you dont have the money you could try asking a researcher or a visitor to the archives, are you are a member of the TradeMe community?... go to the 'Genealogy' boards and ask there. I have already submitted a request on a thread there on your behalf, however the lady doing the research has finished her work at the archives and is now unavailable to do requests. But there's nothing stopping you asking on TradeMe for help, see how you get on. http://www.trademe.c...s.aspx?topic=40


McFARLANE, Henry Waldon


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Thanks wendy, i have requested that on this forum and are hopefully waiting for a reply.

cheers Kerran

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Thank you so much Zack, will you send the actual copy or just give me the details, ill pay for postage if your sending a copy.

Cheers Kerran

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I've taken a quick look at his file which contains lots of details for you! Should keep you busy for a while.

Looks like he was a very brave soldier and received the Military Medal as Corporal in the 1st Battalion Wellington Regiment for action as follows.

"For gallant conduct and conspicuous bravery during attack near Beaumont Hamel at 2 pm on 30th of March 1918. This NCO when a strong enemy bombing party made a determined attack on the line he was holding, organised a bombing party, and with great dash led them successfully against the Germans, completely putting them to flight. He led his Section throughout the attack with determination and initiative there was a magnificent example to his men. "

Source London Gazette 12 June 1918, p7018, Record number 2007

I might even have a photograph of this man - I will check my database and get back to you.



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You will also find the same reference to Henry Malden McFarlane 10/3068 in Wayne McDonald's book Honours and Awards to the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the Great War 1914 - 1918 on page 193.



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Hi, thanks for your help, as im only 13 im struggling to read some of it but it seems he was in and out of hospital quite regulary.

ive been begging my dad to pay $25 for his record for ages. Also heres a photo, but i would like another one of him in uniform, maybe a portrait? Hes the one at the front with the NZ flag

post-59920-072666800 1291427579.jpg



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You have someone to be proud of! Yes there is a lot of details on the file - just take you time and ask forum members for help understanding it all. I'm sure such requests will be met. Thanks for the photo.



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Zack, have you checked your database for a photo yet, i doubt you will find anything but ahwell, i got what i was looking for.



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My database has many thousands of WW 1 New Zealand soldiers on it and because I'm not that well organised yet it will take a little time so please be patience. :)

I was looking at the Chronicles of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force (a very useful recource) and noted that on July 25 1917, page 261, column 2. “McFarlane 103008 H”, is listed. This entry corresponds with his file.



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