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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Joseph Hugh Rowney Bombardier RHA


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Almost a year on from finding out a huge amount of information on my grandfather via this forum,Imtrying to do the same with my wifes grandfather Joseph hugh Rowney.

He was in the Royal Horse artillary reg number 72 and the RoyalField artillery 608243.

Im trying to find out what division/information etc,if anybody could help that would be great.

Many thanks


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His six figure number puts him in West Riding Battery RHA in 1917 and, at a guess, he was with them quite a while before that.

The number 72 would indicate an enlistment soon after the battery was formed in late 1908.

The Long Long Trail says: "The 1/1st Battery served in the Middle East from 1916 to 1918 as part of the 263rd Brigade RFA."

It also says there was no 2nd line however I believe there was one and they became C/223rd Brigade RFA in 63 RN Division.

Do you have any clues as to where he might have enlisted or his service overseas?

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His number is actually 722 and he enlisted on the 18th May 1915 and did indeed serve with the 263rd Bde in Eygpt and Palastine and also the 1/1st Essex RHA. This is the 2nd man I've looked at tonight who served with the 263rd Bde.

There are 43 pages of Josephs service/pension papers on ancestry albeit several are blank and the total wasn't anywhere near 43 pages, there is however plenty of information to be gleaned from them including a letter from your wifes Grandmother,


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