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Govt Spending Cuts


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As most of us on the GWF are aware, the Govt are proposing making spending cuts in various Government Depts..Does anyone know if there are any Govt proposals to Cut funding/and or reduce the Staff levels of the CWGC both here in the UK or abroad ?. :unsure:

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I can't see how CWGC could escape it, Russ.

I don't envisage that renovation work will stop entirely, but perhaps the grass could grow a little longer, or the headstones could become a bit more weathered before being scheduled for re-engraving. Maybe even engraved a couple more times before the stones are replaced.

I'm sure there will be economy drives in all areas, pend less but get more from your spend.

I've got to say that I haven't seen anything specific from the UK Government. Have any of the other contributing governments hinted at cutting their funding?

I don't know if the system is still in place whereby cemeteries were allocated their share of the available money based on the number of signatures in their visitors books, but if it is, those of us who visit these places, at home or abroad, should take a minute to sign them.



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The UK government cannot make cuts at CWGC as it is not a UK government organisation. The government does not control it as it is an international organisation run by six countries.

However, that is not to say that the budget contribution may not come under pressure from all six governments. The UK contribution comes from the defence budget. CWGC works on a three year budget cycle and the budget for 2011-13 is being decided now.

The funding per visitor idea is a myth. It never has been true. On that basis, the sites without a visitors' book would receive no funding - and the majority of Commonwealth war grave sites worldwide do not have visitors books.

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Just six countries? Which ones? I thought that all former Commenwealth countries who have Great War war dead (which must be all of them) contributed to the upkeep depending on the percentage of graves.


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Only six countries - UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India.

That covers the entire Commonwealth as the other countries were all UK colonies during the world wars and the UK pays for their troops. Pakistan used to be a member but withdrew after paying a lump sum for future maintenance. Now the UK pays for their share.

That's the first time I have been called Nigel! :rolleyes:

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Sorry Terry!

Just thinking which the colonies were and what has become of them. Newfoundland became part of Canada. Any other African countries? Rhodesia? West Indies?


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The list of ex-colonies is huge! Just name a Commonwealth country today and their troops were involved.

Newfoundland was a British colony at the time and did not join Canada until 1949. Every British dependency was involved from Malta to Fiji to the Falkland Islands , the West Indies etc and stopping at every colony in Africa on the way. You only have to look at the regiments featured on war grave headstones worldwide to see the total involvement of the Empire.

The colonies supplied both fighting men and military labour forces. All had their home defence units as well.

PS. I don't think the Pitcairn Islands had any involvement though! (Happy to be proved wrong).

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Thanks Terry,

I can't prove any Pitcairn links to the Great War but I have learned a hell of alot more about the Islands whilst trying!


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Thanks for clearing up the signature to funding thing, Terry (if that really is your name!)

So is it the MoD that makes the decision on how much the CWGC gets out of the Defence Budget?

I suppose that if the Government cut the Defence Budget there would have to be a reduction in the amount the MoD passed on. I do take your point though that the Government is not directly responsible for counting out the beans.



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I believe the process works the other way around. CWGC draws up its budget and then goes to the governments to supply their share.

Of course, they could refuse to supply that share! I have always been told (unconfirmed) that the CWGC allocation is the first item approved in the UK defence budget - whether the amount requested has ever been queried, I know not.

CWGC has very tight budget restrictions at all times as some of the countries concerned are not the wealthiest and often have other priorities. It must neither overspend nor underspend its budget each cycle by more than a couple of percent. So good housekeeping is required at all times.

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Thanks again Terry.

However tight the monetary constraints are, the job done has never disappointed.



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The list of ex-colonies is huge! Just name a Commonwealth country today and their troops were involved.

What about Mozambique... I suppose they may have contributed troops to the Portugese forces :whistle:

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I couldn't rememebr if Rwanda's membership had actually formally gone through yet.

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