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4th RWF march to june 1918


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I have just received the MC and trio to Captain Edward Thomas Hook, who was attached to the 4th RWF during WWI. In april he was gassed at Senlis, and whlie recuperating was listed in the Birth Day honours for the MC. Among the papers is a letter, dated 9 june, 1918 at Savoy Hospital, Blackpool, from an officer congratulating him. It is just signed "H.E.", and iI wonder if there were any officers (or perhaps the CO?) with those initials? Does anyone have access to this kind of information I'd be very grateful.

Kind regards,


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Captain Hook (heh, sounds good eh!) is on Weekly Casualty list dated 7/5/1918. He's shown as Welsh Regt att RWF.

Humphrey Edward Jones 4th Bn Looks good.

Geraint has an interest in this unit and has the Bn Official History but he seems to be away at the moment.


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Many thanks to you both. Sorry for not replying earlier, the Royal Wedding yesterday kept me occupied for most of the day. Had the opportunity to offer my congrutaltions to the bride and groom on friday, and yesterday was spent in front of the TV.

Haven't checked in the "Regimental Records" if either Lt Edge or Lt Jones were wounded before 9/6/1918, but that is my next stop.

The letter reads:

"Savoy Hospital, Blackpool.


My dear Ted,

Just a line to offer you my very sincere congratulations upon your M.C. which you so thoroughly deserve. It is no idle congratulation, I assure you, & no mere matter of form, but it springs out of a conviction that at long last they have give you some slight indication of the good & devoted work you have performed in France during such an extended service out there with the Batt.

My very best wishes

from yours Sincerely,


Yes, the name is one you normally associates with other things. Capt Hook actually was a Master Mariner , and he was at sea before being commissioned in the Welsh Regiment. Pity his attached regiment does not show on the medals though, but why be a stickler in that respect when his medals were earned with the RWF?



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My dear Ted,

Just a line to offer you my very sincere congratulations upon your M.C. which you so thoroughly deserve. It is no idle congratulation, I assure you, & no mere matter of form, but it springs out of a conviction that at long last they have give you some slight indication of the good & devoted work you have performed in France during such an extended service out there with the Batt.

My very best wishes

from yours Sincerely,


He Jones was employed with the Ministry of Labour in 1918, and this sounds like someone working in the UK.


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I have just received the MC and trio to Captain Edward Thomas Hook, who was attached to the 4th RWF during WWI. In april he was gassed at Senlis, and whlie recuperating was listed in the Birth Day honours for the MC. Among the papers is a letter, dated 9 june, 1918 at Savoy Hospital, Blackpool, from an officer congratulating him. It is just signed "H.E.", and iI wonder if there were any officers (or perhaps the CO?) with those initials? Does anyone have access to this kind of information I'd be very grateful.

Kind regards,


A tip: Why not invest in a complete copy of every monthly army list for the regiment to cover your period of interest? At most 3 pages per month.

Its very do-able.

I have the set, and don't even collect medals!

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Whilst not the letter writer, but in case this is of interest, I believe the Acting CO was Major J.H. Langton, who has been the subject of previous threads on the Forum.


Joanthan S

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A tip: Why not invest in a complete copy of every monthly army list for the regiment to cover your period of interest? At most 3 pages per month.

Its very do-able.

I have the set, and don't even collect medals!

Thanks Grumpy, that was an avenue to exploit I was not aware of, even though I have been following the regiment for quite a while. Where should I look for the monthly army lists?

Jonathan, many thanks for the information on the CO. That rules out one possibility.



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The National Archive has as near complete a set as makes no difference. I think they will photo-copy for you.

Please try also National Army Museum, again, they may copy for you.

One place which has the complete run, and do-your-own copying, is Cambridge University. If you are ever in this country, 2 days at Cambridge would do the trick. If you go down that line, call me and I can advise.

The bottom line is me! As I am pretty busy and the job is arduous and terminally boring, I would rather be the last resort. Without looking up, I think I have a more-or-less-continuous coverage 1888 to 1923, which was enough for me.

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Hi Lars. I've been away till today.

It's Lt HE Jones of C Company. Fondly known as 'High Explosives' Jones.. HE was also gassed in the same action, and Hook, HE and six other officers as ell as 130 ORs were invalided on the same day. The gas attack resulted in impregnation of the men's clothes which became corrosive during rain on that particular day. Hook was OC of C Company and HE a lt ith him.


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Hi Lars. I've been away till today.

It's Lt HE Jones of C Company. Fondly known as 'High Explosives' Jones.. HE was also gassed in the same action, and Hook, HE and six other officers as ell as 130 ORs were invalided on the same day. The gas attack resulted in impregnation of the men's clothes which became corrosive during rain on that particular day. Hook was OC of C Company and HE a lt ith him.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Many thanks Geraint, sorry for not replying earlier, but with vacation and forum changeover I did not notice your post until finding the excellent new function for checking one's earlier posts.

I also have a group to Lt G H Woodcock, also 4th btn and KIA at Aveluy wood on 6th april. You wouldn't happen to know which company he was in...?

Kind regards,


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  • 6 years later...

Lars - six years later.

2nd lt GH Woodcock was KIA at Auveley Wood and is mentioned amongst "A and B Coy losses". Seven other officers and 60 ORs were also killed on that day.

Hopefully, in another 6 years, I will have pined him down to either A or B.

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Thanks! I'll check now and then and see. I do the regular check on google in case someone has added info somewhere in many of my medal groups, and quite often there is. Not least on Ancestry family trees.



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