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Ypres Area 14/15/16 August

Ian C

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I will be over in the Ypres area for these three days anyone know of anything on at this time?

Also any suggestions for something a bit different, I have done Tyne Cot and all the usual places on previous trips.

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Hello Ian/All.

I'm going over, for the first time, the first week in August, so I will post and let everyone know if there is anything 'on'.

We have a couple of 'tours' booked through a local chap, but would appreciate any suggestions as to any 'must see' sites.

Hope I haven't hijacked Ian's thread, apologies if I have.

Best Regards



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Dear Wes

I am almost envious.....so much to see for the first time!

As it is your first visit, you may like to take a taster trip down to the Somme (only about 70 minutes from Ypres in the car) and go to the favoured spots like Sheffield memorial Park, Avril's for coffee and the museum, Newfoundland park, Ulster Tower, Thiepval, Lochnagar, Devonshire Trench, etc. It is do-able in a day.

On the Salient.....Gheluvelt Chateau, Hooge Chateau grounds, Hooge Museum, IFF, Langemark, Vijfvegen (gas attack), Essex farm, Yorkshire trench, Zonnebeek chateau, Tyne Cot, Bayernwald trenches, St Eloi craters....and so many delightful cemeteries. You might even like to get to Pops for the execution cells and Talbot House, and Dixmuide for the Tower and the Trenches of Death.

Plus the opportunity to stand under the Gate at 8....every ceremony is different......soaking up the atmosphere, Belgian friendship and hospitality, the occasional Kwak.....

You will have a great time. You won't be short of things to see!


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You have brilliantly opened yourself up for people to pick things you missed!

What about In Flanders Field Museum and St Georges Church?


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Head above parapet to get shot at!

But I did include In Flanders Field Museum (IFF)......although if you wanted something totally different you could head out towards Menin and visit Flanders Field, the only American cemetery in Belgium.

I look forward to seeing other suggestions for places to visit....just in case there are any to which I haven't been!


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Thank you Bruce/Chris.

Plenty to chew over there.

I am looking forward to the trip immensly.

'The Somme' is a must in my book, and being the 'expert' in the party (X being an unknown quantity and spirt a drip under pressure) I will have to lead the 'where to go ' debate :whistle:

Thanks Again


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I will be over in the Ypres area for these three days anyone know of anything on at this time?

Also any suggestions for something a bit different, I have done Tyne Cot and all the usual places on previous trips.

As you will be in Ypres for 16 August you may want to pay a visit to the 7th DCLI memorial on the banks of the Steenbeek which was paid for an unveiled by Harry Patch in September 2008. This commemorates the battalion and their attack on Langemark on 16 August 1917. Details can be found on this thread:


Some pics of the unveiling ceremony can be found on http://www.polygonwood.com/Polygon%20Wood%20Site%20Map.htm and then click on Harry Patch on the left hand menu.

Have a great trip

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It goes without saying that you should attend the Menin gate ceremony at least once - Always moving.

From a cemetery perspective, Tyne Cot is deffinitlely something to behold. For me, it really brought the scale of sacrifice home...Lijssenthoek is another large cemetery - not as many visitors.

Do you have a specific interest?


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The German cemetary at Langemark is a moving experience and the museum behind the cafe/bar opposite Hooge Crater Museum and on the corner of the road that leads up to Sanctuary Wood is well worth a quick visit. Very friendly enthusiast to enjoy coffee or beer with and his private collection is worth the look.

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