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Lt George Bennett


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I am having trouble getting any background on Lt George Bennett, one of the men murdered on Bloody Sunday, 21 Nov 1920 in Dublin


The commonness of his name and the fact that he only appears to have one Christian name makes tracking him difficult/impossible in census, London Gazette, civil registrations, MIC, etc. He is mentioned briefly in a number of books, and I have put what I have on him on this web page.

1. There is a LG entry that I think is him with a Special Appointment - most of the officers in intelligence in Ireland had these "Special Appointment" entries, and of the 4 men with them in that LG issue, certainly one of the others was a man targeted on 21 Nov (R D Jeune)

2. "the son of J W Bennett of Bournemouth" and a Catholic (buried in a Catholic cemetery)

3. CWGC says Special List & RASC (ILN photo above had RA, and Gleeson has RA)

4. Gleeson in "Bloody Sunday has "Educated at Sherborne and Magdalan College, Oxford, where he took an honours in Law. At the outbreak of war he joined Motor Transport for a few weeks. And afterward served with the intelligence department in Holland. After the war he was asked to rejoin the intelligence department for service in Ireland. " I have not been able to substantiate any of that.

5. Certainly the IRA believed that he was one of the leaders of Intelligence in Ireland, but he does not seem to have risen above LT, temp Capt.

Can anyone help me uncover his past. I have no reason to believe that he was anyone other then George Bennett (in other words I believe that is his real name)

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Why not try the school and the college mentioned? I have had some helpful replies from such institutions in the past.

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I should be able to get something from year books when I am in UK over the summer.

I have tried their web sites but have not found anything on alumni going back that far.

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I should be able to get something from year books when I am in UK over the summer.

I have tried their web sites but have not found anything on alumni going back that far.

Try the Old Boys organisation, the Old Shirburnian Society: oss@sherborne.org (http://www.oldshirburnian.org.uk/)

For Magdalen perhaps helen.burt@magd.ox.ac.uk who is the Alumni Relations and Development Officer and deals with general enquiries.

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Thanks guys,

I had not come across Dick Florys help offer on school and university registers. I have put a request on it for Dick. With a bit of luck he will have something on either Sherborne or Magdalen

You can tell how blinkered I am - never knew that thread existed.

If he does not have the books, then I will contact those two email address that you have kindly provided.

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Started to crack it:

The notification of his death in The Times stated that he was the son of the late J W Bennett of 'Harwood', Branksome Park, Bournemouth. I had a look at the 1911 Census but the Bennett family were not living there then but I had a look for any George Bennett's and there was one born about 1893 in Batavia but a British subject, living with his widowed mother Maria Bennett born about 1860 in Batavia, a Dutch subject. I thought there might be a link as you mention that G Bennett was with the intelligence service in Holland.

Couldn't find the death of a J W Bennett in The Times but did find that the death of a James William Bennett born about 1851 was registered in Poole, Dorset in the June Qtr of 1909.

Had a look for James William Bennett in the 1901 Census and found the family at 'Harwood', Lindsey Road, Bournemouth:

James W Bennett, Mechanical Engineer - born Grimbsby about 1851

Maria Bennett - born Rotterdam about 1852

then Annie (c1884), William (c1892) and George (c1893) all born Batavia, Java

another daughter Dorca(?) was born in Bournemouth (c1894). There was also a governess and three servants.

Plenty to work with there!


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Plenty to work with there!

Thanks Aled.

I certainly need to buy a subscription to the Times archives. I did try yesterday, but my privacy setting meant that they would not allow me to sign up. After a great deal of messing around I realised that by switching from Firefox (which I normally use) to Explorer (which I am prepared to use accepting cookies) that it would let me sign up on Time Archives - by then I had run out of enthusiasm and did not finish the job of signing up

That stuff you have found will keep me out of mischief for the rest of the day.

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I am not sure on this listing but this is from the 31 Nov 1914 Army List :

The Royal Sussex Regiment

11th (Service Battalion) (1st South Dwn)

2nd Lieutenant

Bennett G (temp) 16 Sept14

This man looks more likely

On the 27 Nov 1919 Army List

Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery

Temp 2nd Lieutenant

Bennett G, MM 12 Sept 1918 (Supernumerary or Seconded List)

Not on the 29 Nov 1920 Army List

On the 28 Nov 1918 Army List

Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery

Temp 2nd Lieutenant

Bennett G, MM 12 Sept 1918 (no mention of Supernumerary or Seconded List)

Regards Mark

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Thanks Mark

Don't think either of them is my man. I have put it all together on him now on web page

He left Oxford in 1914 or 1915. And the first mention I have of him in army is

1917 Oct 23 Special Appointment Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt 2nd Cl: — Temp. 2nd Lt. G. Bennett, A.S.C., and to be transfd. to Gen. List.Gazette

Sherborne say of him At the outbreak of war he joined Motor Transport for a few weeks. And afterwards served with the intellegence department in Holland. After the war he was asked to rejoin the intellegence department for service in Ireland.

After I first pick him up in Gazette there are another 4 mentions, all special appointments, Put I have not found anything earlier than Oct 1917. In other words, he certainly appears to he gone into ASC, but I cannot find the Gazette entry.

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Thanks, that is him.

What do the two dates, 14 Aug 1916 and 23 Oct 1917 mean?

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Thanks, that is him.

What do the two dates, 14 Aug 1916 and 23 Oct 1917 mean?


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OK thanks

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This is from the 28 Nov 1918 Army List

Cross in circle :Acting Rank

Regards Mark



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On the 27 Nov 1919 Army List

Special List


* Bennett G 14 Feb18

Regards Mark

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On the 31 Oct 1916 Army List

Army Service Corps

Temporary 2nd Lieutenant

Bennett G 14Aug16

Regards Mark

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Thanks Mark

Think that now proves he was commissioned 14 Aug 1916

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And again, that is him, see they actually have him as Intelligence Corps.

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  • 3 months later...


I came across a Captain Bennett mentioned in 'Lawrence of Arabia: The Authorized Biography of T. E. Lawrence' by Jeremy Wilson.

I have no idea if it is the same man, since there is no first initial given and 'Bennett' is quite a common name on the Army List.

The book also does not mention what the 'Hedgehog' Staff was.

Special liaison staff GHQ Cairo ‘Hedgehog’ Staff March 1918

Colonel Dawnay GSO 1

Captain Pratt Barlow GSO 3

Major Wordie DAQMG

Captain Bennett Staff Captain

Regards Mark

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Thanks Mark

I will have a go at that tomorrow and see if I can wring anything out of it.

Bennett had a HH "Special Appointment" at that time - which could have been anything, but certainly was intelligence. The grade looks about right to fit there.

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These are the possible Bennett's on the Commands & Staff Army List 28 Nov 1918

Regards Mark

Commands & Staff

Class GG

Bennett,Lt.B, Herts.R 6Julyl8

Class HH

Bennett, Temp Lt. G 28Oct17

Brigade Major

Bennett, Capt. R H E, M.C. Som L I 6Mar18

Staff Captains

Bennett Lt (temp Capt in Army 15Aug17) T R G, 19 Bn Lond R 15Aug17

Bennett Lt (temp Capt 12 Feb 18) R O G, M.C. Can Fd Art 12Feb18

Staff Lieutenant 1st Class

Bennett, Temp Lt, J (temp) 22May18

Commandant (Class GG)

Bennett, Lt (temp Capt 23 Mar 18) A, L’pool R, 23Mar18

Railway Traffic Officer

Bennett, Lt R F, Aust Imp Force 28Jan18

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Thanks Mark

He is "Class HH Bennett, Temp Lt. G 28Oct17" - ties in with other info on him

I am about to see if he was in Middle East - probably difficult to cross check, but sometimes one can strike lucky

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OK, I have found that it was not my man. The Staff Capt in Cairo was TRG Bennett. As far as I can gather Hejaz and Hedgehog were the same thing.

Lt Col TE Lawrence, 8 Aug 1918, forwarding text of Capt TRG Bennett, Staff Capt, Hejaz Operations, Cairo.

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