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Lieutenant Kirkpatrick 2nd or 5th Devons

Alan Tucker

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His name with no initial appears on the Langford Budville Roll of Honour of men serving in a local newspaper list of August 1916 and March 1917. (near Wellington Somerset). The Roll says 2/Devons. I can find no connection with the village or nearby.

I have found a MIC for a Lt J.D. Kirkpatrick, 5th Devons with no medals listed but in that column there is a line which says Devon Regt and a roll number. Under theatre of war says India.

Anyone able to clarify this and know any more about him?

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Could this be your man in 1911?

KIRKPATRICK, John Donaldson Head Married M 37 1874 Acting-Bombadier Royal Garrison Artillery Somerset Taunton

KIRKPATRICK, Mary Wife Married 13 years F 35 1876 Suffolk Bury St Edmunds

KIRKPATRICK, John Donaldson Son M 12 1899 School Essex Tendring

KIRKPATRICK, Horace George Son M 10 1901 School Hants Aldershot

Or his son?


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2 Bn weren't in India but 1/5th were. They shipped out to Egypt in Apr 1917 and became part of 75 Division there. Source:LLT.

The Lt doesn't appear on SDGW. There are four hits on the name KIRKPATRICK J in the Officer Service records at Kew,WO339/92565;120163;121803 and 139410. You would probably get the right one from the WO338 index,some members here have a copy,failing that all would need a "shoofti" to see which one is his.


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How about Second Lieutenant Joseph Alexander Drummond Kirkpatrick Devonshire Regiment,Lietenant Devonshire Regiment,Attached to Rifle Brigade B.W.M and Victory,Theatre of War Egypt date of entry--01/04/17.?


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There's nothing in Atkinson's 'History of the Devonshire Regiment' for a Junior Officer Kirkpatrick, only a Major TD later Lt. Col of the 2/6th who were in India December 1914 - July 1917. No mention of a casualty by that name so I'd guess from the info so far that Dundeesown Joseph Alexander Drummond Kirkpatrick is the most likley contender.


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Many thanks to all for your helpful suggestions

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Never had too much success myself in tracing Joseph Kirkpatrick. What I know and what I guess given circumstantial evidence is as follows :

1. He was actually the son of TD Kirkpatrick who TEW ref's above. TD was a Lt-Col. originally from the Yorkshire Regt who sailed to India with and briefly commanded the 2/6th Devons in India before they embarked for Mesopotamia.

2. Joseph Kirkpatrick was commissioned into the 5th Devons on the 11th August 1915.

3. Thought to have joined the 3/5th Devons at Bournemouth.

4. He either went from the 5th (Res) Bn to the 1/5th Devons in India and was part of the advance team that went ahead of the bn to prepare for their arrival in Egypt or..

5. He was sent out commanding a draft from the 4th (Res) Devons to bring the 5th upto establishment on arrival in Egypt.

6. I have never been able to put time on his attachment to the Rifle Bde. Best guess at the moment was that he was attd to the Rifle Bde when the 4th (Res), 5th (Res) and 6th (Res) were merged in September 1916 but I have never been able to prove this.

7. He left the 5th Devons late August 1920

If you do find more I would love to know.



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Great stuff Dave.

Since found...

Times Dec 17 1929 Forthcoming marriage of Mr J.D Kirkpatrick (late Devon Regt) son of Lt Col and Mrs Kirkpatrick to Lady Muriel Watkins, sister of the Earl of Lindsay, and widow of Mr Watkin Watkins of Shotton Hall, Salop. In Catholic church, Okehampton on Dec 31.

Times April 4 1936. Funeral at Okehampton of Lady Muriel Kirkpatrick. Those present included Mr J.A.D Fitzpatrick (husband). Col and Mrs Fitzpatrick. Captain Wm Lindsay (representing the Earl and Countess of Lindsay), Major R.C Mayne, Col Macdougall, Major Salmon.


Never had too much success myself in tracing Joseph Kirkpatrick. What I know and what I guess given circumstantial evidence is as follows :

1. He was actually the son of TD Kirkpatrick who TEW ref's above. TD was a Lt-Col. originally from the Yorkshire Regt who sailed to India with and briefly commanded the 2/6th Devons in India before they embarked for Mesopotamia.

2. Joseph Kirkpatrick was commissioned into the 5th Devons on the 11th August 1915.

3. Thought to have joined the 3/5th Devons at Bournemouth.

4. He either went from the 5th (Res) Bn to the 1/5th Devons in India and was part of the advance team that went ahead of the bn to prepare for their arrival in Egypt or..

5. He was sent out commanding a draft from the 4th (Res) Devons to bring the 5th upto establishment on arrival in Egypt.

6. I have never been able to put time on his attachment to the Rifle Bde. Best guess at the moment was that he was attd to the Rifle Bde when the 4th (Res), 5th (Res) and 6th (Res) were merged in September 1916 but I have never been able to prove this.

7. He left the 5th Devons late August 1920

If you do find more I would love to know.



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Second attempt :-)

KIRKPATRICK Joseph Alexander D I. Wight / 2b / 605 1st qt / 1888

In 1891, living at 19, West Street, Scarborough:

KIRKPATRICK, Thomas Head Married Captain The Yorkshire Regt born 1858 Ireland

KIRKPATRICK, May Wife Married born 1862 Hurstmonceaux Sussex

KIRKPATRICK, Thomas Son 1882 Scholar born 1882 Ireland

KIRKPATRICK, Joseph Son born 1888 Ryde Isle of Wight

In 1901, Living at 4, Spa Place, Cheltenham:

KIRKPATRICK, Thomas Head Married Major Yorkshire Reg born 1858 Ireland

KIRKPATRICK, May Wife Married born 1860 Hurstmonceux Sussex

KIRKPATRICK, Ion Son Single 2nd Lt N Stafford Regt born 1882 Ireland (Thomas)

No sign of Joseph

In 1911, Living at 202 Ashley Gardens Westminster:

KIRKPATRICK, Thomas D Head Married Retired Pay Army born 1858 Co Antrim Larne

LONG, Mary Ann Servant Married 39 years Housekeeper born 1852 Co Antrim

No sign of Thomas or Joseph


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Just re-read the thread and realised you cited an India ref for J. D. Kirkpatrick. I have two MIC's on file for him. One as a Lt in the 5th Devons under J. D. Kirkpatrick detailing his change of address and the other as a 2nd Lieut & Lieut in the Devon Regt and att'd to the Rifle Bde under Joseph Alxeander Drummond Kirkpatrick. This is the one showing him entering Egypt. If you have another showing India it would place him in India before the 5th Devons embarked for Egypt. I have not been able to show him in India definitively before. Any chance you could post a copy ?



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This is who I think was my man with two MICs....


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The bottom MIC in your post is to Lieut Colonel T D Kirkpatrick not 2nd Lt JD Kirkpatrick. JAD Kirkpatrick's MIC looks like;-



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Thanks Gents

These are the ones I have. Thought for a while there we had placed him in India. Never mind will keep digging on this one. I will post if I find anything further.



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Thanks guys - I have been thrown by a T that looks like a J

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  • 1 month later...


Quick follow up.

Have now been able to place Joseph Kirkpatrick in India in 1916. This means that he was part of the advance team that went to Egypt to prepare for the arrival of the 5th Devons and did not come out from the UK as part of the reinforcements to bring the battalion upto establishment. Also now know that he transferred to the 19th Bn. Rifle Bde in 1918. 19th (Western) Rifle Bde were on Garrison duty on the Lines of Communications in Egypt. Potentially he was wounded, or more likely sick as I have no record of him being wounded, in early 1918 and was still in hospital when the 5th Devons embarked for France. Having been down graded by a medical board he was re-assigned to garrison duties and transferred to the Rifle Bde on leaving hospital. Actual dates of his secondment I have not yet been able to find but he remained on the establishment of the 5th Devons until resigning his commission in August 1920.

Will post further if I find more.



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  • 10 years later...

Never did find any more. Alan did you ?

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Sadly Alan died a few years ago.


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I did not know. Thank you Michelle. 

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I had the privilege of speaking to Alan a few times, all of his work is in the Solihull Library. You may find something in there


A real gent

Hi Trevor
Thiepval book arrived yesterday. Another excellent contribution to Cov and the Great War. More work for me as I have to check all the Warwicks against my database for anything new!
Many thanks
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Didn't know Alan personally but had corresponded a number of times over the years here. Once Michelle corrected me above I have seen the threads on the forum. Very sad.


Thanks for the pointer.




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