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148th AA battery, RGA


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I'm researching this battery, can anyone help with some background about them please? I've had a quick look on the National Archives site but not found anything specific to them - although I don't know what Division they came under. Thanks.

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Andrew, this will be a Section rather than a Battery and probably had two guns mounted on lorries. Going by the number, I'd guess that it was mobilized about March 1918, 141st being mobilized at Salonika on 2nd March. The probable reason you can't find the War Diary is that many Sections were reorganised into Batteries, although they retained their individual identities within the larger unit. The Batteries were labelled alphabetically rather than numerically so you find V AA Battery is formed in Italy on 10th February 1918 with 60, 63 and 106 AA Sections and the newly-formed 136 AAS. Its sister Battery, S, contained 23, 72, 117 and the also new 135 Sections but it had contained 60, 63 and 106 before the reorganisation. There is one, very short Diary covering the activities of both Batteries and neither shows up on the National Archives on-line catalogue. Don't despair because there are Pals here with a lot more knowledge of the Artillery than I have who may be able to point you in a better direction. You'll help them by posting all the information you have about your man.


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148th AA Section was part of 'Z' AA Battery and served in 4th Army. Regards, Dick Flory

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Hello Andrew

148 AA Section (two 13-pdr guns) was indeed part of Z AA Battery RGA in Nov 1918, but from July to October it was part of Q AA Battery. This was also with Fourth Army, whose AA Defences are recounted in the following War Diary at Kew:

WO 95/483 Army Anti-Aircraft Defences 1917 July - 1919 Apr.

AA Sections were not attached to any particular division, but were controlled at Army level, except for those covering targets in rear areas and the coastal bases, which were under the Lines of Communication.


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do you not mean May 1918 rather than August?

Rgds Paul

Edit: to explain more fully, re: was that not the month of the death of Verity

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Going by the records of the Salonika Sections, I wouldn't expect 148th to have become active before May 1918, if not June, depending on the date it was mobilized and how many of the officers and men had significant experience of AA work.


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If you subscribe to Ancestry then have a look at records of 91683 Brown, Malcolm.

He went out with the 148th AA Section leaving Southampton 11 April 1918, and disembarked Le Havre 12 April 1918.

Posted with the 148 AA Sect to "Q" AA Bty 7 May 1918.

To "G" AA Bty 14 September 1918

To "P" AA Bty 1 October 1918

TO "Z" AA Bty 21 October 1918

He had been posted to AA Depot Parkhurst on the 24 February 1918


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Thanks for all the replies, and yes I did mean May, not August, that was a "typo". Cheers.


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