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2nd manchester reg no 150 enlistment date help

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Hi All,having recently found another relative edward mcgarrey "c" coy 2nd batt manchester reg died 20/10/1914

i have searched for records but only his mic has been found

i would love to know approx when he enlisted ,his number is 150

hoping someone with more knowledge could help me

thanks julie


Saintconor - thanks for the plug.

The only 'problem' with an 1881 date is that that would have made Edward McGarrey, (if he enlisted as a boy) at least 47 years old in 1914.

The 150 could also be an old militia number, dating from - at a guess - 1904 or 1905. Men transferring from the militia into the Special and Extra Reserve battalions of the Manchester regt in 1908 appear to have kept their original militia numbers, and certainly the 3rd (Special) Reserve and 4th (Extra) Reserve battalions, when they came into being in 1908, simply continued with the numbering sequences that their militia predecessors had maintained.

When Britain went to war with Germany in 1914, men transferring from the Special and Extra Reserve battalions into the regular 1st and 2nd Battalions, kept their original numbers.

So in summary, another scenario is Edward McGarrey joins a militia battalion in 1904/05, transfers to the 3rd or 4th Bn in 1908 and then transfers again to the 2nd, probably in August 1914.

Julie, if you know his birth date you may be able to rule out either the 1881 or the 1905 scenario - or both, for that matter.



Thanks both for your input,he was born 1889 going by the census,so would be 16 in 1905

so could we assume he joined a militia battallion

will try and find him 1911 census

thanks again for the info


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