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how many times was he wounded?

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Can anybody make out how many times this man was wounded? At first glance it looks as though he has been shot in his left wrist on two separate occasions - but surely this can't be right?

As for the rest of it - it just looks like scrawl!

Would some kind soul out there care to take a look and help me decipher it please?





Open to correction here, but I think the date in the RIGHT hand columns is the "date of report", sometimes equivalent to actual date of event. For some reason, the way the forms were constructed the LEFT hand row of dates is when that report was received/recorded by the record office or other body, so will always be later.

The fact that "date of report" in the right has three 31 July 1917 entries must relate to the same event - i.e., that he was wounded in action in the Field; (Gun Shot Wound) in the left wrist, and admitted to a Field Ambulance (can't read the number- ?96th); and then admitted to the 3rd Canadian Casualty Clearing Station suffering from the same ailment. By the next day 1 Aug 1917 he is admitted to 58th General Hospital at St.Omer, ditto ailment; and so on

The dates on the left are of administrative interest only.



Thanks for that - that's brilliant!!


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