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Calling them what is in charge! Help!

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Hi All and them what is in the know,

My posts counter has been stuck on 114 for a few days now, regardless of the fact that I have posted circa 10 new posts.

Question: Is anyone else experiencing the same problem, or am I doing something wrong. Answers on a postcard to-----.

Thanks in anticipation, Robert


Hi there,

Did I read somewhere that posts on the Remembering Today forum don't add to your total?

Have you made many there since you noticed?


It may depend on where your new posts are being posted, I believe some areas on the forum 'don't count'.



Hi there,

Did I read somewhere that posts on the Remembering Today forum don't add to your total?

Have you made many there since you noticed?

That's it in a nutshell - Remembering Them doesn't contribute to your post count


neither does Skindles

I've actually never posted on Skindles, but once I posted about 6 in a row and nothing changed with my total. I wonder if it caught up later. It doesn't really matter too much to me now as I am acutally over 100! But I couldn't work it out at all......



To confirm: posts in Skindles and Remembering Today do not count towards the post total. I believe that the post total updates immediately. I'll just check...


...yes, it does. :)


Hi Admin and All,

Thanks for the explanation. I was begining to think that I had inadvertetly drifted into the Bermuda Triangle and was doomed to remain there forever!!

Thanks for rescuing me.

Yours, Robert

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