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Captain Dudley William Gerald Jackson, 10th RWF

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Would anyone have information on Captain Dudley William Gerald Jackson, died of wounds while serving with the 10th RWF, date of death 13/04/1916. I have his census information and the CWGC details, but anything from the 10th RWF battalion history or war diary would be really helpful.

Any input greatly appreciated,

Kind regards,



Hello Lars,

According to the 10th RWF's published history, they served in the St.Eloi Sector from late November 1915. Capt. D.W.G.Jackson came from the 1st RWF on 10 March 1916 as second-in-command. The new CO appointed the previous day was Maj. (T/Lt-Col.) G.R.Crosfield. Both appointments followed the loss of the old CO, 2-i-C, and Adjutant to an unlucky hit by a shell on the HQ dugout at Gordon Post on 3 March. From c3-12 March the battalion was in billets at Poperinghe.

13-17 March, returned to the Line, then to Camp "A". 21-23 March in the Line (some casualties), then to Camp "H". Inspected by Maj-Gen Haldane on 25 March, and 2 companies did 24 hrs fatigue duties in trenches near St.Eloi.

27 March to Scottish Wood, Voormezeele (St.Eloi trench area) as reserve to 8th Brigade. 28 March moved forward to occupy trenches captured from the enemy on the previous day by 8th Bde. On 30 March Lt-Col. Crosfield was wounded during a bombing attack carried out by Lt. A.Nevitt on a German post (2 Ofr 8 OR kia, 3 Ofr, 30 OR w., mostly from shell fire), and Jackson took temporary command.

He was wounded the next day, 31 March, the only casualty noted for that day.

(1st RWF, previously at Ypres, had been on the Somme from 2 February 1916).

Hope this helps,




Cross referencing with the WO338 Index shows that he has a file at the National Archives under reference;

WO 339/58394 JACKSON D [1914-1922]




Many thanks for your replies!




From the Jan 1916 Quarterly Army List

Dudley William Gerald Jackson

DOB 7/4/1883

Embodied Militia 1 yr 61 days

Mobilised Special Reserve 238 Days

Capt (from Spec Res)

RW Fus 2/10/1915



Thanks Peter, this also adds to what I have.



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