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Located Havre, what was it?

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I have traced a soldier on Ancestry who was with the Military Foot Police, on the 20th March 1916 he joined 'The Yard' Havre, can anyone give me information as to what this was.





Not an expert but Le Havre was one of the main Ports of entry for the BEF. during the 1914-18 War. Military Police would have provided security and general discipline patrols as well as controling entry and departure for the thousands of service personnel using the Port. For example checking leave passes and movement orders ,traffic control and to prevent theft of equipment and breaches of service discipline. Whether the use of 'Yard' suggests army humour, New scotland Yard, is a thought.

Tony P



Thanks for that, I also thought it may have been a play on New Scotland Yard but I was not sure and thought one of the members may have known.

Thanks again


  • Admin

A small number of Scotland Yard detectives (from Special Branch) were posted to Le Havre to detect suspected enemy agents and spies (and in the early days of the war journalists!) but it's unlikely they had any sense of humour! Special Branch was more aligned to the embryonic MI5 than Scotland Yard at this time and enforced the Official Secrets Act enacted in 1911.

Le Havre was the main port of embarkation and disembarkation and the gateway to the sprawling conurbation of depot camps such as Etaples and Rouen (Richard Holmes has an excellent description in 'Tommy'). There was a lot of work for the MPs of all nationalities, there are documented cases of deserters being arrested and held there.

Before the war Le Havre had a major shipbuilding yard which along with the port and city was obliterated by bombing by both sides but especially the Allies in WW2.

I don't know but think it likely that the offices and facilities of the yard were requisitioned during WW1. According to a modern guide book the yard was close to the old fisherman's district and very near the harbour.

As a retired Scotland Yard detective I would really like there to be a link, but I think it more likely to be the shipyard. Although the really fascinating question which you actually asked and I don't have an answer to is what went on there. You've set some hares running for me - thanks, I think ^_^




Thanks for your input and the possibility of it being the offices and facilities of the shipyard. I have not come across this before on a Military Police army record, it actually said, Posted to 'The Yard', very interesting.



May be too obvious,from a Soldier's memoirs. :lol:

5th November 1914-Arrived Le Havre and marched up to rest camp.The following morning we marched from rest camp to Le Havre Station where we were bundled into cattle trucks marked 40 Hommes or 8 Chevans.Whilst the transport was being loaded up we just wandered about the "yard".




Thanks, it is a possibility as is Kens information on the shipyard area.


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