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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Herbert William Wilson

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Whilst trawling through London Gazette archives online, I came across the following entry. - " Temp. Capt. Herbert William Wilson is removed from the army, The King having no further occasion for his services as an officer 27 April 1917"

What may he have done? Does anyone know his story?


Jonathan <_<



According to The Times, March 23rd 1917, Captain Herbert William Wilson was a recruiting officer in Liverpool who was charged with conspiring with others to "enable persons liable to military service to wholly or partially escape from that liability", with accepting £875 in bribes and making false statements in documents.

I'll post the details of the trial later if no-one does it before.




Wow. And we thought sleaze was a modern phenomena! thank you for that information and i look forward to reading the trial transcript. In 1917 it certainly would not have been easy for him to ever be accepted again in polite society!



I won't post all the details here as the trial etc. was reported over 14 days (that I've found, there may be more). If you want the details pm me an email address and I'll send them on. Needless to say he was found guilty and sentenced to 21 months imprisonment.



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