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Hi All,

anyone got a list of E41 survivors with O/N's.

Cheers DB


Hello Darren, here are some of those that survived the E41/E4 collision ;

BOWER William Henry P 197444 D.o.B ; 180982 P.o.B ; Kingston Surrey ADM 188 / 341

BROWN William P306130 SPO D.o.B ; 110783 P.o.B ; Birmingham ADM 188 / 499

BULLOCK Albert Edward M 998 ERA D.o.B ; 070786 P.o.B ; Caterley Surrey ADM 188 / 1019

Dent William Massey M 2284 ERA D.o.B ; 290694 P.o.B ; Fleetwood Lancs ADM 188 / 1022

More if required later.



Hi Sadsac,

somehow i knew you would have the answer!

Yes please, the more the merrier.

Cheers DB


OK Darren, find here 4 more of E41 crew survivors ;

GASSTON Ernest William P/K 17657 D.o.B ; 150591 P.o.B ; Newhaven Sussex ADM 188 / 902

HEALEY Richard PO TGM P 222359 D.o.B ; 010387 P.o.B ; Liverpool ADM 188 / 391

RADFORD Reginald Brook AB D230417 D.p.B ; 030488 P.o.B ; Exeter ADM 188 / 407

TURPIN Richard Edward p 234888 D.o.B; 180189 P.o.B ; Kings Norton Worcs ADM 188 / 416



Hi Sadsac,

thanks for that.

if i can count, that leaves me around 6 more survivors.

Cheers DB.


OK Darren, here is one more of them. I have 1 or 2 that are not `definate' but will post if you wish.

BROWN Harry Roberts J 84989 D.o.B ; 210200 P.o.B ; Twickenham Middlesex ADM 188 / 816



Hi Sadsac,

thanks for thaat, drop the other two on, will see if they match anything i have,



Darren, here are two `not definate' but seem to have `been around' at that time.

BURGESS William Frederick 271123 D.o.B ; 110280 P.o.B ; Shoreham Sussex ADM 188 / 435

CANDY Edwin ERA C/M 431 D.o.B ; 290187 P.o.B ; Portsmouth ADM 188 / 1018

He was S/Crew MAIDSTONE 20 April 1916 so was `there' & went to E41 180918 NA Record may give answer

Have more such, will post later




Two of your number are officers

Commanding Officer Alfred Michael Winser and First Lieuteant Theodore F.A. Voysey.

All best



OK Darren, here are three more `not definates' BUT ;

CROCKER E41 160630 MAIDSTONE S/C 160629 to E30 161024 SO `could' have been E41 ???

DEANE S/C MAIDSTONE 160225 E23 170105 E41 170228 - So, he could have been E41 ??

MAY E41 160202 MAIDSTONE 160803 S/C MAIDSTONE - So he could have been E41 ??

With these the ADM 188 No.s may give answer.

Also, please `poke your nose into' the E14 Thread on this Forum - one of your RAN chaps that I have posted info on there.

Seems he is `not known' - because methinks his No. is RAN & therefore has not shown up in `files'.

DON Kindell & poster do not have him - SO ???



Hi Sadsac,

the boys have sniffed the RAN chappie. On the Aussie side, E17 Springall is burried here in Melbourne.

Crocker, i guess this is him, Crocker, Sidney, killed in E30 1916, Stoker, K22305,Maidstone 1916,



Hi Sadac,

any ideas what Deane's first name & number are?



DB, SPRINGALL E17 - somewhere I have a photo of E17 crew in POW Camp Holland - have you seen ???

Crocker - yes T'is him.

DEANE - this has thrown up an `anomaly' ! On checking I see that DEANE has name Charles Drane - BUT on further check his No. 311070 gives DRANE Charles ??!! So, my mistake, or the Record Card or file ADM 188 @ NA ???

Must look up next PRO visit. Any ideas.



Hi Sadsac,

i had that name listed of Drane on the books of Maidstone in 1918.

I will chase up that E17 chappie & his grave, see if i can find his family! Have not seen that photo.

Cheers DB


Hello Darren, at last got around to posting the photo of crew of E17 whilst in Groningen POW / Internee Camp Holland.

Have put it here as I thought `others' may find it of interest.


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