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Lt ALB Watt Somerset Light Infantry

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This maybe a hard one but can anuone tell me which Bn of the Somerset Light Infantry this officer served in?

WATT Alexander Leslie Burnie

Reciebed his com from teh AIF on the 28-12-15.

He came from Tavistock Devon UK




This maybe a hard one but can anuone tell me which Bn of the Somerset Light Infantry this officer served in?

WATT Alexander Leslie Burnie

Reciebed his com from teh AIF on the 28-12-15.

He came from Tavistock Devon UK



Hi Steve,

In the October 1917 Army list he is still a 2/Lt and is shown under the 3rd Reserve Bn Som.L.I., by February 1919 he has disappeared

from the A.L. so may have been discharged early for some reason. It is probably worth trying for his Officers Service Papers at the National Archives, as these would probably give you 'chapter and verse' about what happened to him.

Do you know anybody with the Regimental history? this may mention him?

Hope this helps, good luck, Robert



A bit of a lottery finding his Officer Service Record in WO339. There are no ALB WATT but eight possibles with the single initial A. The only ways to find which is his is 1) the WO338 index,which might have all three initials,and 2)looking at all eight files in situ at Kew !




Thanks for trying, I knew I was asking a lot here.



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