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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Documents destroyed by WW2 bombing

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I can't recall this having been posted before but just came across a list, on the 'Your Archives' section of TNA bebsite which list the documents destroyed in the bombing at Arnside Street in September 1940. Here is the link http://yourarchives.nationalarchives.gov.u..._September_1940



A very interesting list and probably of great use to the serious hunter.

I particularly liked this entry:

"one volume of the Price of Wales"



I liked the description of 9 tons of stuff as 'stationary'. Well, you'd need a bloomin' crane to shift it!

Coat? Why, thank you and bye bye! :innocent:


Thanks for posting Peter,

I wonder how many plaques were left unclaimed?:

AG4 Medals - Bronze Plaques and King's Certificates unclaimed.

....and what could be so special about barbed wire from WWI for it to be kept?:

Approximately 2 tons of oddments including parts of two Machine Guns, barbed wire, periscopes and a Range Finder from Great War.

This is a strange one though - does it mean that the war diaries in the collection of the NA came from a different source?:

War Diaries of nearly all Regiments (Great War).




Looking at that lot you'd think it would have been simpler to list what was left and state all other destroyed.


Looking at that lot you'd think it would have been simpler to list what was left and state all other destroyed.

But then you wouldn't know what you were missing!



The war diaries mentioned are likely to be the typed copies used for the compilation of the Official History.

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