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Attack on Gavrelle by 63rd RND

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Does anyone have any maps of how the Royal Naval Division lined up for the 23 April on Gavrelle? I have plenty of narrative on what happened but am sadly lacking in maps to see the plan of attack.

If anyone could save me a 230 mile round trip to Kew that’d be much appreciated!

Any help would be great.



how the Royal Naval Division lined up for the 23 April on Gavrelle

The map below is from the roll of several maps which was supplied (years ago) with the HB edition of Douglas Jerrold's history of the division; it is to be hoped that they are still available today. Due to the size of the original and the limits of the scanner here, part of the right hand side is missing; don't worry, it's nothing of import. All three objectives are clearly shown, as are the divisional and brigade boundaries. Part of the Note is missing; in full it reads 'The objectives shown are those for the attack of 23rd April 1917.' The scale is not defined but one presumes that it is yards and not metres. True north is at 12 o'clock.

There are other very fine fold-out maps in Captain Christopher Page's military biography of Brigadier General A M Asquith DSO titled 'Command in the Royal Naval Division.' One is a full colour reproduction of Asquith's own map with trenches marked and with his own pencil notes. The other is a large scale map of the village, hand drawn by Sub-Lt Wyall of Asquith's battalion, showing key features.

The book was published by Spellmount in 1999 [iSBN 1-86227-048-1]


I hope that this is of help



Thanks Michael it helps me!


how the Royal Naval Division lined up for the 23 April on Gavrelle

above is the map; this was the plan (From Douglas Jerrold's history of the division; see page 229)

"The Naval Division was to attack with the 190th Brigade on the left and the 189th Brigade on the right. After the capture of the first objective (the trench system in front of Gavrelle), the 189th Brigade only was to proceed to the further objectives, while the 190th Brigade was to form a defensive flank.

The battalions allocated to the attack were, from right to left, the Drake, Nelson, 7th Royal Fusiliers and 4th Bedfords, with the Hood Battalion in close support. This battalion had to follow behind the Nelson to the second objective and capture the third objective in conjunction with the Drake. The 1st HAC were in support to the 190th Brigade, with orders to go forward as the situation might require. The carrying parties were found from the Hawke and 10th Dublin Fusiliers. The Howe Battalion of the 188th Brigade was attached as a reserve battalion to the 189th Brigade, the remaining three battalions of the 188th Brigade being held in divisional reserve. Two sections from each of the 189th and 190th Machine Gun Companies were to go forward with the infantry, and the remainder were to cover the advance with overhead fire. Medium and light trench mortars were to follow up the advance. The attack was to begin along the whole front at 4.45 am."



I don't know about you, but in my case this fairly long roll of maps tends to fall behind the books on the shelf and get forgotten about

It's good to get it every now and again

Glad to have been able to help



My HB edition of Douglas Jerrold's history of the division came without the maps. In a period of impecuniousness I let it go; bitterly regretted now! The problem with having such wide interests is keeping up with the books!


Many thanks for your help Michael. Just what I needed!


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