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Romanian Campaign of 1916.The Invasion


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The truce at Focsani[5]

At 3rd of December ,Serbacev communicates to marshal Mackensen his proposal to enter tratatives for closing of a truce.This decission he told also to the commanders of Russian Army and to the Great Romanian Headquarter ,showing that"following an accord closed at 3rd of December 1917 with Romania and in perfect understanding with the revolutionar committe he decided to close ,under certain conditions ,a truce on the whole Front of the Russian Armies and Romanian ones,waiting the closing of peace from the central government".

The Russian decission ,awaited for a long time now,as a fatality not to be overcome,put us in to a critical situation.It was absolutely impossible that on the same Front ,constituted by Russian and Romanian units,to be truce in the Russian Sectors and the action to continue in the Romanian Sectors.The Russian truce was dragging us as well ,no matter how hard we wanted to swim against it .That is why between the Romanian Government ,the Allied Missions and the Governments they represented ,the matter made the object of very tensed discussions.Ofcourse,the Allied Powers had all the interest that Romania to not close the truce ,but they had to agree that there wasn't any point of support for resistance they would have tried to oppose and that Romania is set ,without her fault and power to resist,in a very critical situation .


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Even from 7th of June 1917,Duke de Luynes ,Captain of the French Army,in mission in Romania,reported to President Poincare that,even from the beginning of the Romanian Campaign ,the neglijence of the Russian Commander face to Romania has been a real treason.This state of affairs ,grave already under the regime of the Russian Empire ,agravated since the revolution .Today ,the Russian Army ,demoralized by the defetist propaganda ,it is an object of scandal and not a cause of corruption.In exchange,the Romanian Army has made great progresses ,and the Romanian soldier is admirable.After the proposition of the Foreign Minister ,Pichon ,President Poincare sends,at 22nd of November ,to King Ferdinand ,a telegram of simpaty and encouragement,renewing the "assurance that the Government of the French Republic will remain honest next to the accords ,closed between the two countries".

But Clemenceau ,vigorous old man which has taken the helm of the French Government [6],it is an ireductible advarsary of the Romanian truce;he confesses that he cannot give Romania :a neighbour France"(alussion at the more favorable geographical situation of Belgium), and still dezaprobes Saint -Aulaire ,the French Minister in Romania.The wish of the Premier goes towards General Berthelot ,which tries to put together plans of resistance ,supported by hypotetical colaborations with the Ucrainians or with the Russian Generals which were rising the flag of revolt against the bolsevic regime,in Southern Russia.At 29th of November ,Bratianu shows personally to Clemenceau ,in a memoir,the dramatic situation in which the country is and ask him to have all the fate in Romanian and her intentions.The French Minister confesses that "the fate of Romania rips tears";he is oscillating in what seems a great danger fo his country and what reason shows him the only way to be taken.Even Poincare,which showed himself so understanding for the missfortuned situation of Romania ,must accommodate his attitude after his solid Prime Minister.After the request of his Government ,he expedites to King Ferdinand a new telegram,at 5th of December 1917,in which ,next to beautiful words for the "noble and generous Romania" and promises of aid,ask him to avoid the capitulation.The French Government -says Poincare -"do not doubt that your admirable troops will escape the grasp of the commune enemy and is sure that,under the generous inspiration of Your Majesty,they will refuze to put down arms before the Ally victory".


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But the real circumstances on the Eastern Front are heavier in the ballance than the words at Paris.The truce on the Russian Front and the decission of General Serbacev to close it, also "on Romanian Front" has solved brutally the matter and set ,the Romanians ,and the Allied Powers,in the face of unavoidable.

At 4th of December was held at Iasi a Council of Ministers ,prezided by King Ferdinand ,at which have also assisted Princip Carol ,the Chief of General Staff ,the two Commanders of Armies and General Berthelot.Bratianu have presented the different conditions in which the truce could be closed and asked to be discussed ,which would be the military measures to be taken,according with the situation in which will be set the Romanian Army.He inssisted over our duties taken to the Allies,to get out of the War without the slightest moral diminishing.The Council decided that the Romanian Army ,forced by necessity,has to take part in tratatives ,to close a truce with military character,,excluding any political considerations ,as long as the truce will hold,with the Russians.To save the Royal prestige and not to give the impression that the high powers constituted of the state ,bend down in front of the situation created by the Russian revolution ,was decided that King Ferdinand to leave the Command of the Armies also on the Russian Front.By superior order ,the Command of Romanian Armies on this Front have been passed over to General Prezan.A Romanian parliamentary transmitted to the commander of the german troops on Siret Front from General Prezan part,this communication:"The Romanian Government has decided that the Romanian Army to take part to the truce proposed by the Russian Army.So ,also by the order of our military authorities ,I have the honour to bring to your knowledge that,untill further dispozitions ,the hostilities are suspended on Siret River Front ,which the Romanian Armies occupy,starting with 5th of December 1917,eight in the evenung.During the truce ,the Romanian troops will remain on positions and guard the Front.The Romanian airplanes suspend their flights .It will be fired over the enemy airplanes ,which would try to fly over our lines .The delegats tasked with establishing the conditions of the truce will be appointed imediately".


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At 7th of December started at Focsani the tratatives .On the German part the principal delegat was General von Morgen;he was assisted by German Colonel ,of General Staff Hentsch,by Austro-hungarian General Harnilovici ,by a Bulgarian officer ,a Turkish one and other officers.First delegate of the Russians was General Kelsevski,the Commander of the IX-th Russian Army ,assisted by 15 members ,with soldiers of the revolutionar committes,some social democrats,others bolsevics.The Romanian delegation was lead by General Lupescu ,Second-Chief of the Great Romanian Headquarter ,assisted by 11 officers ,among them Colonels of General Staff Rascanu and Codrescu.The Romanian delegation was independent by the Russian one*.The presidency of the talks was of general Morgen.

The main discussion was over the request made by Russians and Romanians ,that during the truce to not be taken troops from the Romanian Front ,to be transported onto other Fronts.It was a condition set to obstacle the Germans to strengthen the French Front with troops became available on our Front.Undoubtfuly ,the Germans,which were preparing the decissive offensive on the Western Front ,opposed categoric.It was obvious that they have already started the transport of troops towards the Western Front and that they had the intention to continue doing it.Because the Russian delegation felt obliged to go back ,with the truce closed,with any price,it had to be given little terrain and so it has been found the intermediary formulae ,written in 8th paragraph ,by which"the two sides oblige themselves to not give orders for operative transports ,movements and groupings ,as well as to not execute the transports and groupings for which it would have been given ,already ,the order on 5th of December,inclusive".

Long discussions have been made over the Russian proposal ,supported by the Russian soldiers and delegates ,to let free the broderhooding on one part and the other of the Front ,to wheel the political propaganda .This proposal has been refuzed by Romanians ,and also by the Germans.

The truce was closed at 9th of December ,with the reciprocal obligation to not retake hostilities but only by announcing the end of the truce with 72 hours before and with the reserve,for the Russians ,to consider it provisory until when the matter of War or Peace will be decided by the the constituant gathering of Russia.

Interpreting the dispozition at paragraph 8th ,showed above,the germans thought authorized to transport five Divisions from the Romanian Front to the French one.


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The proclaiming of the truce provokes explosions of joy on the part of austro-german Armies on the Front,which wanted to fraternize(broderhood) with the adversaries.Romanians,kept a reserved attitude and dignify one,and rejected with despise any attempt of the enemy,as of the Russians.And they were perfectly right .The Truce at Focsani was a cruel strike received by the Romanian Nation and the Army .In full strength and desire to fight ,our Army had to put the arms down ,not defeated by the enemy ,but abandoned by the ally.Was this the end of the War,the defeat ,renunciation at all the ideals for which we entered the fight ,even maybe the chopping of the Kingdoom?Were there in vain the piles of dead bodies and of ruins which we had to stalked up ,scattered on the whole stretch of the country?

These are the questions put by the Romanian mind ,forcing her to read the answer in the darkness of the night of the tragedy starting veil the country from the fatal moment of forced Truce of Focsani.

Some Romanian historians ,from a new school,assuming the point of view sovietic,do not take into account the tragic situation of Romania,which forced her to go to Focsani;they attribute her anty sovietic intentions ,plotting either with the central powers ,or the Entente to torpedo the cause of peace.After some of these historians ,the Romanian Government was serving the interest of the Entente,which set hope in to a separatist Ucraina and in Russia, counterrevolutionary Generals ,to obstacle the closing of the separate peace ,or at least to delay it as much as possible.Others are accuzing the aristocracy circles of Romania ,that they have manoeuvred against the germano-sovietic peace to serve both,the german interests ,helpping this one to crush Russia ;they would tend to an own separate peace with the central powers ,giving the country to the german Imperialists with the goal to obtain the support of the Prusian militarism for the common fight against the Soviets and of "kidnapping" Basarabia from the Russians.

The examination of the situation ,tragic,in which Romania was finding herself by exiting the War of Russia ,demonstrates in the most clear way the imperious necessity in which Romania was,going to Focsani ,she wanted the saving of the country from catastrophe.

* At a question made by the german general von Morgen ,with clear intention to add more fire over the matter,if the Romanian delegation works "under Russian command" or alltogether independently ,General Lupescu replied that the wriiten pages of the discussions taking place ,will be closed in separate exemplaries ,but written in commune accord "as between good allies".


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Desintegration of the Russian Army

After closing the Truce ,Serbacev thought that he can use the quiet established on the Front ,to take some measures which,in the intention of the Russian Commander ,were to get healthy, to some extent ,the Russian Army.

The first measure has been to sack the soldiers of the oldest contingents ,which it was thought to be most contaminated.This ,however,did not went to any result .The soldiers started to leave the Front without any rule,to go back home.

The second measure tried was the Ucrainization of the Romanian Front.The russian revolution admited the breaking of old Russia in national federal states.As a result ,it has been decided that also the Army to be constituted in units ,grouped on nations .The nationalization succeeded in the most perfect manner for Poles,well organized beforehand from the national point of view,conscious and disciplined.It succeeded less to other nationalities and failed completely for the planned Ucrainian Army,without consistency ,organization and national spirit.

In the mean time,the situation of the Russian Army on the Romanian Front reached to be very curious.General Serbacev could no longger keep his Commandment but only under the protection of Romanian troops.He did not recognize though neither the central bolsevic regime ,nor generalisim Krilenko ,or the commissaries of the people attached to the units of his Army.In their turn,these did not want to recognize the Commander and destituted ,him,and the other Commanders on the Romanian Front.Working in accord with the Ministers of the Entente at Iasi,Serbacev tried to put himself to the dispozition of the Ucrainian Government together with the Russian Army on the South Eastern Front.Neither this trial had any result of whatever duration,because of the lack of reciprocal trust and because the Ucrainian government was not able to dominate the situation.He made connection with the anty revolutionary Generals,Alekseev and Kaledin ,in the South of Russia.

The dezintegration was increasing more and more behind the Army.The revolutionary committes were very shallow established.The socialist committe, revolutionary ,ellected by the congress of all the Russian units in Roman(Romanian city),was so weak that in the night of 2-3rd of December ,some mutineers have arrested it and constituted themselves at Roman.Groups of soldiers leaving the Front were giving themselves to grave deeds.The communications started to become unsafe,and the replenishments and the wellbeing of the Armies started to become a concerning problem.On the Front itself,the dezintegration was taking far greater proportions;the Russian Army was decomposing and unbirthing.There was no authority to break the excessess and to give some direction to the movement .The Russian soldiers did not listened anyone,not even the chiefs ellected by them.Their only preocupation was how to get home faster.In their minds ,the closing of the Truce ,meant the end of the War and going back to the country.At the beginning they were leaving individualy or in smal groups;then they started to leave the Front in mass ,leaving empty positions.The officers tried to bring them to the respect of their duties as soldiers;they were not listened anymore and were even considered as enemies.A tragig fate started for the Russian Officers Corps.When the soldiers had on their side the number and the force ,they put the officer through an inhumane treatment ,mocking him and obliged them to humiliating jobs .At the smallest veleity of opposition and resisting,the officers were murdered ,when they did not managed to escape by running.

The Russian Commandments have found in the Romanian Army a protecting shield against maltratations of their conationals.It has resulted from here the most bizarre situation imaginable:the Commanders of Armies-superior officers -condemned to death by their own soldiers and forced to put themselves under the protection of another Army ,to defend,arrest and bring to listening the soldiers under their Command ."In numerous circumstances-confesses General Monkevitz-the Romanians ,knowledged by the murders set to take place by the Russian soldiers ,organized armed expeditions ,to escape the victims,which were then offered asylum in their Regiments".


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The relations Russian Romanian in the first stage of the revolution

The history of our political and military colaboration with the Russian ally ,in the preparation of the War ,as well as in carrying it next to this one,it has been a long row of difficulties of all kinds ,of preocupations ,deceptions and missfortunes.It has been analysed some place else * as the attitude of the government and of the Russian commandment Zarist have contributed to our military desastre in the first part of the War .It has followed dark days for the Romanian government by exigences of all kinds during the remaking period**.A deaf untrust reign in the bosom of the government ,of the Army and public oppinion ,over the intentions of the leading circles Tzarist/Zarist in waht we were concerned.The sincerity of the Russian colaboration was put,for good resons ,to doubt.

The Russian revolution potented this situation ,giving it another bases and transforming it ,step by step,in a clear vengeful attitude.It has changed radically the premises of the Russians politics ,annulating in fact the military convention Russian-Romanian;such,the colaboration of the Armies of the two countries ceased;they were evolving now in two opposite directions,which wil become unfriendly.

There can be distinctive ,two phases in the Russian revolution rapports with Romania.The first one was that of the burgezo-socialist (burghezia=aristocracy),from March until October 1917 ,Milinkov -Kerenski,and the second one of the communist-bolsevic regime lenin-trotki(names of communist leaders in Russia),starting with the bolsevic revolution in October 1917.

In the first phase ,the alliance between Russia and the Allied powers -including Romania -was maintaining ,sometimes even with veleities of consolidation and offensive trial,like the one in the Summer of 1917.But the masterpiece of agitation in the people and Army ,started by the bolsevic branch ,was stretching more and more ,as area ,and as depth ,and the ideea of breaking the alliance ,of closing the peace with any price,of leaving the Front and of social changes, was gainig terrain.Because of this,the rapports of the Russians with Romanians ,in political plane and on military one ,of colaboration on the common Front ,have started to suffer and give birth to conflicts more and more grave.A whole month we lived with the fear that the Russian troops will leave the Front.Then,starts the propaganda for Separate peace ,the fraternization with the enemy in the trenches ,the dezertions in mass of some of the units during the fights,which set us in the most critical situations.


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When have started to pronounce the two currents in the Russian revolution ,then the representatives of the current which wanted peace with any price ,have started to see in Romania a central of resistance ,which encouraged at the continuation of the War and by which the Russian troops were contaminated by the war spirit which was spiriting our troops.The bolsevic agitators started a flaming propaganda to change the regime in Romania ;committes of soldiers and Russian workers started to mix in the internal affairs of Romania.Street manifestations were going on to the streets of Iasi ,unfolding red flags and banners with vengeful inscriptions to the "aristocratic/burghez" State of Romania .It has been showed as at 1st of May 1917,the manifesting soldiers entered the arrest where there were detained two revolutionary chieftains ;the trotkist Racovski and Bujor[8] ,which they freed ,carried them in triumph on to the streets of the city ,brought them in the middle of the revolutionary committes in Iasi(city in Moldavian part of Romania) and expedited them then to Odessa ,where they set themselves in the temple of the anty -Romanian campaign.Every day were produced all kinds of provokations at the address of Romanians ;high Romanian clerks were insulted and even arrested on our own territory.The Romanian soldiers were asked to do the same as the Russians:to make revolution,to un-Throne the King ,to ask for the peace.The rezervation of Romanians was irritating the Russians.Of the fraid of atentates or revolutionary hits ,Romanians had to stay on guard ,"with eyes in four".

The Romanian Government and the military Commandments gave the most severe orders that the officers and Romanian soldiers to have next to the Russians ,the most polite attitude and courteous ,avoiding any conflict ,no matter how insulting would have been ,towards them,the conduct of the agitators and of the Russian soldiers.There was the fear that not by the first rifle shot ,fired by a Romanian soldier against a Russian one,to t be used as a pretext to determine the leaving of the fighting Front.In this way,the Romanians have lived "with the fear in bosom" from the part of Russian ally.What they have feared most ,though,they haven't escape.The leaving of the Front happened as fruit of the bolsevic revolution and as an effect of the Truce.The December month 1917 meant the unbirth and abandoning of the Russian Front.


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"Thesaurus at Moscow"

The threat of breaking the Front ,because of the inertia of the Russian troops,forced the Romanian Government to take,during August,very grave measures,which have increased more our dependence towards Russia.During the moment of the crisis of Marasesti Battle ,it has been thought that Moldovia will be occupied by the enemy and,for saving the being of the Romanian State even on the case of occupation of the territory ,it has been set to move the principal Romanian State Organs in Southern Russia.A second exod have started from Moldavia towards Russia.At Cherson have been made again preparation to install the Sovereigns and the Government ;have been again evacuated here the cabinets of Parliament ,a great number of parliamentaries ,magistrates and clerks of different authorities with their families.The soviet in Cherson has taken an unfriendly position to the installation of Romanian authorities.The bravery of the Romanian soldier escaped us from the sad perspective and dangerous which was opened to us.Drifters from Ardeal ,left with our Army after the failure of the first trial of occupying Ardeal,have been evacuated at Gruskaia,at Elisavetgrad and at Aleski ,near Cherson.Other Romanians have installed at Odessa ,at Rostov on Don at Kiev and other localities.

Next to authorities and persons,it was thought necessary to be set to safe the mobile wealth of the kingdom.Even from September 1916,under the threat of invasion of Romanian territory ,the government of the country,following the advices of the Allies ,has movet to Iasi the central and the treasury of the National Bank(Romanian).In December ,the military situation being as such,that it was not excluded a leaving of the national territory ,Romania has been advised to put to safety the treasury of the National Bank ,which guaranteed the circulation of the bank notes .A convention closed between the Russian Government and the Romanian One at 14/27 of December ,allowed to this one to transport it at Moscow (the Pallace of Armours in Kremlin).The deposit was made out of the sum of 314 580 456 Lei(Romanian currency) in gold effective,and of the Romanian Queen's jewllery ,evaluated at 7 000 000 Lei in gold.

In July 1917 ,the gravity of the situation,military,during the first phase of Marasesti Battle forced the Romanian Government to send to Russia the rest of the values in Moldavia ,which belonged either to the state or other institutions or particulars.The new transport was made out of of a sum of one milliard and six hundred millions Lei,of the National Bank of Romania -of which some six hundred millions Lei ,gold effectively-and the rest of a value of six milliards Lei ,was made out of values,effects and objects put by individuals to safe keeping ,in the treasury deposit of the national Bank of Romania.Then the manuscripts and historic documents the most important of the State Archives and Romanian Academy ,the paintings,comprising also the most part of Grigorescu masterpece etc.The new transport has been set in the same place with the first one ,then it has been moved in "the Pallace of House of Loans and Deposits of State" of Moscow.

"The Romanian Thesaurus in Moscow" has been received by the Russian Government with written verbal- process in order-by which he obliges himself to keep and return ,transporting it back to Romania -under the guarantee of his honour with the gir of Allied Powers.

In this way Romania ,in the moments of crisis provoked by the situation on the fighting Fronts ,was giving the most important part of her patrimoniu ,her treasures material and the creation of her genius ,in the guard of the honesty and honour of the Russian revolutionary government.

It was a sacre deposit ,given for well keeping to the fighting camarad ,with the guarantee of the common Allies.Some of the leaders of the Romanian Finances -for example Banker M.Blank-has been of oppinion to transport the Thesaurus in to great Britain or America ,but the Romanian Government considered that this proceeding would have proved untrust and an insult for the Russian State,on which territory was the tranzit made.That is why ,it has been decided that the thesaurus to be transported and depozited in Russia.How the Russian revolutionary government answerd to this trust and delicate attention,it will be seen latter on.


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Measures of safety of the Romanian Army

The dezintegration of the Russian Army has filled up the glass of bitterness to the brim and made it spill on the outside.

All the roads of Moldavia were now filled with groups of soldiers ,run aways from the Front,bits of units without chiefs ,or with chiefs ellected from the inferior officer's ranks or from the soldiers ranks ,carrying with them guns ,cannons ,horses,vehicles and the money of the state.Some were taking with assault the trains ,crowding one over the other on to carriages roofs ,on stairs ,on bumpers ,devastating trainstations and train carriages ,threatening at gun point the locomotive men and clerks of the railways.Others were going in bigger or smaller columns on to the driveways ,giving themselves to al kinds of bad deeds and excessses,and selling in next village the product made by plundering in others.To ease their way and earn money ,they started to sell for almost nothing military effects ,weapons ,horses and even the cannons!Moldavia knew in this way a new calamity ,the one of retreat of a disorganized Army.

In the face of this ctastrophal tragedy,the Romanian Govrnment could not remain without doing nothing.It had to be occupied the abandoned Front and had to be defended the population of the country,maltratated.Measures of police,energic,have been taken in full understanding between the Romanian Commandment and the Russian One.

Firstly,the Front line,abandoned by the Russians had to be occupied with Romanian troops .The Romanian units had to be stretched in length and thinned in depth,such that to be able to occupy a wider range on the Front.As the Russians were leaving the sector ,the Romanians were filling it ,such that it got to the point when all the Front line have been occupied only by Romanian Army.From Bucovina until Bicaz was the I-st Romanian Corps of Army ,made out of Divissions 9th ,7th and 15th and 1st calarasi Regiment ,with the center in Botosani;from Bicaz until muncel was the II-nd Romanian Army ,made out of Corps II-nd and IV-th ,with Divisions 1st ,3rd,6th 8th ,12th and the 2nd Calarasi Brigade ,with the center at Bacau;then was the I-st Army until Prut River with Corps III-rd and V-th ,with Divisions 2ne,4th,5th,10th ,14th and brigades 1st Rosiori and 6th Rosiori ,unmounted ,with the center at Tecuci .From Prut River until the Black Sea ,along Danube River arm,Sf.Gheorghe ,the Front was held by the Detacments of Marine. Behind the Front ,were also the VI-th Corps ,made out of Divisions 11th and 13th of Infantry ,1st and 2nd of Cavalry and 5th Calarasi Regiment ,as well as the general reserve of the Great General Staff,constituted of the new units :Divisions 1st and 2nd Hunters ,16th Infantry and the Brigade of Volunteers from Ardeal.The interior of the country was separated into zones,which were parallel lands stretches ,from North to South ,going from the Front line until Prut River.There were eight zones with the center in Botosani,Falticeni ,Iasi,Podul Iloaiei ,Roman,Vaslui,Bacau and Birlad.Each zone was given in to the guard of a Romanian Division ,of which mission was to supervise the Russian units in that zone,to obstacle their desertion with weapons and to repel the trials of brigandage .


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The strong military posts ,placed at big roads junctions ,through the important stations of the metal road ,at the bridges over Siret River ,were stopping the groups of Russians ,disarmed them ,confiscate all their stolen objects and redirected them on the roads established in the program,to pass by Basarabia in to Russia.The deserters tried at the beginning to resist ,but faced with the energic attitude of the Romanians ,which were not joking,they had in the end to give up.

A radical change produced ,in the mean time,in the relations of the Romanian soldiers with the Russian ones.The Romanian soldiers kept uninched the devotion for their country in danger;this feeling they put ahead of any other consideration or political propaganda.More than a year now,they had been forced to endure in silence all the vexations ,humiliations and violences from the ally.The attitude of the Russians was arrogant;some had airs of superiority ,letting to be known that they are not the camarads but the "protectors" of Romanians.The provokations addressed to our officers by the Russian soldiers and the mockings adressed to the soldiers were increased and of envy that the Romanian soldier kept the most complete discipline and has refused to listen to the political pushings.

In the soul of the Romanian soldier -in which the War awakened the most clean and high patriotism -has nested now a deep resentiment against this Russian soldier ,which he saw running away from the enemy ,and now he saw him undisciplined ,insulting and murdering his officers ,anihilating by his power all the results ,of which his own bravery -of the Romanian soldier-had to bring for his country.When ,however,the Russian Army started to disolve and to transform in bands which were devastating the country ,when the maltratation begun and plundering of the villages ,then the glass fiiled up,went over and the resentiment changed in to a rage as fierce ,as the hatred until now against the enemy.The events in December give,finally,to the Romanian soldier ,the chance to put an end to this rage.

In the conditions of the excesses of the Russian troops ,to escape the country by the ruin threatening it,it has been asked that all the Russian Regiments ,in complete formation,to leave the Romanian territory and to be led in Basarabia or in Cherson and imediately demobilized.Undobtfuly,Scerbacev refuzed to acomplish this pretention ,because the simultaneous leaving of the former units woud have provoked a multitude of plunderings and complications behind the Front line ,withot talking about the hardships of replenishing and of transport.Irritated beyond measure by this reply ,the soldiers and revolutionar chieftains took two decissions:first,unleashing the Romanian revolution and surpressing Serbacev ;second ,organizing the Armies in fighting formations ,to make way by force through the Romanian lines.


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The grave action at Socola

The center of Russian agitations in Moldavia was Socola Camp.Here,in the Southern part of Iasi ,the Russians have build a train station ,numerous barracks and a multitude of lines of garage ,where there were imense deposits of materials and munitions of the Russian Army.The camp was occupied by a Brigade of troops of railways ,Russian,-over 3000 men -and ,as the central point of the Russian military traffic ,was visited by all agitators coming from Russia.The trains coming from Odessa through Chisinau were bringing sometimes even important groups of bolsevic soldiers.By mid of December have established here the quarter a bolsevic headquarter ,made out of Rosal ,the former bolsevic leader of Kronstadt fortress at the beginning of the revolution -then Reissohn,the commissary of the IV-th Russian Army ,Rech,Hermann a.s.o. which have arrived at Iasi to organize with the aid of the Army here big plans :surpressing of Scerbacev ,de-Throne the King and instituting communist regime in Romania.Against the committe of Socola ,Scerbacev instituted at Iasi a committe of coalition ,made out of of the representatives of all the nationalities on the Front.Following the stubborn request of the bolsevic committe to try an understanding between the two committes ,Scerbacev called them at 21st of December at his ressidence ,where he was defended by a personal guard of Cossacks from Ucraine ,and in the yard of the house and the surroundings was a guard of Romanian Hunters.Rosal declared himself president of the meeting ;the national commissaries have protested and the two committes have separated in different rooms ,working separately.At one poin,few bolsevics have left towards Socola to bring army.Two bolsevic officers ,Aksenov and Kornev ,have entered in the General Scerbacev room,taking out their revolvers ,but they have been disarmed by Ucrainians .Then intervened the Romanian guard and arrested the whole committee of action**.

This atentat put a peak to all agitations.Scerbacev addressed to the Romanian government ,asking in writing ,with great inssistence ,to put an end to the intolerable situation and to break the nest of bolsevics at Socola ,occupying the trian station and disarming the troops there.He declared that,in the case he would not have our support ,to obstacle the bolsevics to become masters over the situstion ,he wiill be forced to leave the command of the Army.The Ministers of Entente rallied to Scerbacev and asked the Romanian Government to give him al the concur.The situation was extremely grave.It was about,no less,the opening official of the hostilities against the soviet government armies ,to disarm an Army with which till now the Romanian Army has fought elbow to elbow ,about the provokation of a conflict with the government at Petrograd ,which was mastering the revolutionary movement and which would have found in this action the legitimacy of his vengeful behaviour towards us.


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A Council of Ministers ,at which attended also the principal leaders of the Russian Army ,was held in the night of 21-22nd of December ,from 1 until 4 in the morning.Some of the ministers hesitated in front of the grave step which needed to be made.Take Ionescu counted the attack of the Russian as a catastrophe act and,not wanting to assume responsibility ,resigned from the government.The situation did not permit ,though ,any delays.From the West was announced the closing in of mutineers bands more and more numerous,which were heading over Iasi.From the East,was announced the leaving of two bolsevic battalions from Odessa with destination Socola.The Romanian Commander of Iasi Garrison surprised in the eve the troops at Socola ,installing on Aroneanu Hill,batteries of cannons aimed towards Iasi,and stopped the trucks transporting ammunition to these ones.The Intention of attacking of Iasi was clear now.On the other hand,the Chiefs of Allied Missions were pressing insistingly the Romanian Government to take the grave decission,in the interest not only of Romania ,threatened in her Capital but especially in Entente interests,of which entire situation ,political,and military in Orient would have been compromised by the success of the blow planned by the bolsevics.At four in the morning ,the dramatic Council ended.Bratianu announced the King the decission of attacking and disarming the bolsevics.

The Commander of the troops in Iasi had enaugh forces:two Regiments of Graniceri(border army),four Regiments of Hunters and two Battliona of Volunteers from Ardeal,with which they constituted a new Division,the 16th .Scerbacev had as troops ,so called safe,of the Formations of Volunteers Ucrainians,which were parading on the streets of Iasi in a fantezist uniform ,with big hats with blue bottom .In the morning of 22nd of December ,General St.Stefanescu the Commander of Romanian troops ,surrounds Socola with troops of 9th and 10th Regiments of Hunters and with two Battalions of the 1st Graniceri Regiment.A small Detachment of Ucrainians advanced ahead ,but fraternized with the bolsevics at the first contact.Then the Romanians begin,in their turn,the concentric advance ,take out the Russians from the train carriages and the barracks were they were nested and mass them,without any opposition from these ones,in the middle of the field ,and disarm them.The greatest part of them,have been then climbed in to the carriages and,under the guard of Romanian sentinels have been expedited even that night over Prut River and Nistru River .The cowards were saved.

Much harder went things behind the Fighting Front,where was about of channeling/directing flows of the imense Russian Army of more than half a million men,such that conflicts to be avoided and plunderings on the way to return towards their patria.The trials of the Russian leaving the Front to break by force our lines ,in fighting formations ,gave birth to collisions between the two parties ,which meant a bloody ending of the Russian-Romanian alliance.All over ,the Romanian troops ,although much inferior in number,superior though by discipline ,their patriotic desire and the rage against the former ally ,were after a short collisin ,victorious.Few Romanian Companies set on run,entire Russian Regiments ,few Battalions were defeating and disarming whole Divisions.The Russian soldiers were receiving ,in the most part,with indifference ,this operation of disarming.The Officers though,had tears in their eyes.The german general von Morgen histories that ,talking on the Front line with a Russian General ,this one said ,showing him the soldiers around him:"Few months before were still lyons ;today they are scared turkey...When appears a Romanian patrol of two men,one hundred Russian Run like hell".In some points of the Front ,the collisions between the Russian units which wanted to leave armed and the Romanian troops ,holding their way,took a much grave course and transformed in real fights.


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The fight of Galati

The VI-th Russian Army ,which occuoied the lower Siret River Sector ,from Tecuci to Galati ,adhered completely to the revolution and abandoned the fight.It was constituted by three Corps of Army ,of two Divisions each,in total six,occupying Sectors Ivesti,Hanu Conachi,Vamesu ,Piscu ,Sendreni and Galati.The effective of each Division was of 5-6000 bayonets .Behind the Russian Army ,the Romanians were occupying Sector Tecuci-Galati with 4th Romanian Division ,having the Headquarter of the Division at Pechea ,and the Quarters of the two Brigades of her at Grivita -South of Cudalbi -and Fintinele ,North -West of Galati .An observation post was at Tecuci and in the entire region were Detachments tasked to supervise the Russians and stop them from plunders.

At 12th of January 1918, a delegation of soldiers of the 13th Russian Division ,from Vamesu ,presents at the headquarter of the 4th Division and announces that the next day the Russian Division will leave the Front,to cross Prut River in Basarabia.It has been replayed to the Russians that the order of General Scerbacev is that the Russian Army to stay on the Front.The Russian delegates replaied that they do not recognize Scerbacev as Commander of the Front and ,such,they will realize their intention.In case of opposition of the Romanians ,will proceed with force ,burning and destroying everything in their way.The 13th Romanian Division,neighbour with the 4th Romanian Division ,send in aid two Battalions of Infantry with machineguns and artillery.Face with these preparatives,the Russians quiet down for a short time.

At 16th of January ,the 40th Russian Division ,which was occupying Sector Hanu Conachi ,left the Front,and stretched on to three columns ,started towards East with direction Pechea.The Romanian Detachments went in their way and turned it back to position.The same thing was made the next day with the 12th Russian Division.The head of the column was met by Romanians near Slobozia Conachi and has been disarmed :at the somation made to them ,to go back or surrender the weapons ,the Russians went back on the Front,followed by our patrols.


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At the left wing of the Front of the VI-th Russian Army ,in the region of Galati ,was the IV-th Siberian Corps considered before as an elite unit which has distinguished itself in the Russian Japanese War [9] ,as in the actual War.One of the Divisions of this Corps -the 9th- which had the Headquarter at Sendreni ,left the Front and started in marching on driveway Tecuci -Galati -which go along the Northern shore of Siret River -with direction Galati and with the intention of crossing Prut River in Basarabia.The committe of the second Division of the Corps-the 10th -which was in Galati ,decided to help the sister Division to close the way and started to gather the soldiers of the Division ,which were rambling in Galati ,to arm them and throw them over the Romanians.The whole Front of the VI-th Army was now disorganized ;Divisions 30th and 40th have left their sectors and left the Front empty.Beyond the Russian positions ,abandoned,the enemy sees with satisfaction the Russian disband .But the Romanians cannot leave the Front line unoccupied ,because this was their country at the enemy's will.They have only one Division to stretch on a Front,which the Russians were occupying with an Army of six Divisions .The 5th Romanian Infantry Regiment occupies the sectors ,left by 30th and 40th Russian ;two Platoons of 21st Regiment occupy the trenches of 136th Russian Regiment.


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Situation is ,though ,alarming at Galati ,threatened by an entire Army Corps from which discipline and the respect for somoeone else's own have dissappeared alltogether .The Commandor of Marine(Romanian Navy) Niculescu Rizea ,the Commander of Galati Sector receives the order to take measures to barrier the road of the Russian columns towards East and to defend the city ,and Colonel Badescu ,the Commander of the 8th Brigade ,at Fintinele ,has the mission to attack from the North and from the West the Russian columns ,which are engaged in the defile between ponds Malina and Calica and Seret River .The disproportion of the forces is a crushing one.

Around Galati will be given in the days of 20-21st of January 1918 (new style) a violent fight between fractions of the 4th Romanian Division and the IV -th Siberian Corps .Commandor Rizea disposes his few forces he has at his dispozition around Galati.The most part of the troops ,two Companies and a half of the 21st Regiment ,are posted on Tiglina Hill ,to stop the exiting of the Russians from the defile between pond/water Calica and Siret River,where was expected the principal attack .Here there are also two batteries on fix supports ,of the Marine ,and Escadre of four vedettes,a torpedo boat and a motor boat.A Company has occupied the positions near the Marine's batteries ,facing the city ,to prevent an eventual attack of the Russians from Galati-the 10th Russian Division -behind the position of Tiglina.Small detachments are posted at North-West of the city ,towards Filiesti and at East towards Reni ,to stop the attacks which eventually woud come from there ,and in the city has ben stopped a Detachment of Marine and two Platoons of Infantry ,to supervise the Russian troops of the 10th Division and intervene against them ,if needed.


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The Russian begin to advance from two directions :from North-West from Filesti ,advances 34th Regiment ;from the West ,from Sendreni ,advances the thick of the 9th Division .Strong Russian patrols sneak by South of Baltita ,surprise the Romanian avanposts on Tiglina and captures one officer and 14 soldiers.The Commander of the city asks reinforcements from the Brigade ;all that can be send is a Company of Machineguns and half a Company of Infantry of 70 men.With them strengthenes the Detachment towards Filesti ,which stops the advance of the Russians from Filesti towards Galati ,as the guard troops in the city ,which stops the Russians to rise and arm the 23 machineguns of the deposit of the 10th Division in Daciana Street ,whith which they wanted to attack by the back the Romanian troops in Tiglina.

The Romanian Detachment ,send by the 7th Brigade at Sendreni to stop the advance of group of 9th Russian Division ,is too weak.Romanians retreat on to the hills North of the village ,and the Russians make way ahead and arrive at Movileni ,placing their cannons in batteries aimed against Galati.A delegation of soldiers of the 9th Russian Division together with the choosen commander -a captain-present at Galati and ask to be permitted the crossing through the city ,until 3 in the afternoon;otherwise they will bombard the city and force the passing through,the soldiers being mutinied and very decided.The Romanian Commander responds that he has order to stop their crossing .The Russian Artillery begins then the bombardment ,at 3 :nine batteries from Movileni fire over the city of Galati and over the Romanian positions ,for four hours .The Russian artillerists fire very bad ,though and make unsignificant damages .The batteries of our Marine respound ,firing over the Russian batteries ,as over the infantry reserves.

The bombardment went on until 7 in the evening .During the whole night ,there have been violent skirmishes of infantry patrols ,and the trials made by Colonel Badescu ,the Commander of the 8th Brigade ,by parliamentaries ,to convince the Russian to put down arms ,remained without result.They restart the next day,21st of January to bombard Galati and prepare a concentric attack over the city.At the Western wing ,the troops of the 9th Division attack with strength and occupy the neck between pond Malina and Siret .At the center ,Russian troops of infantry and artillery of the 10th Division ,which were cantooned at Tiglina barracks and at the mouth of Siret River ,concentrate behind our Detachment at Tiglina ,attacks it at once and by surprise and captures the first line -a Company and a half -situated on the snout of Tiglina Hill ,in front of Lake Calica.The rest of our troops is rejected on to the second line ,near Tiglina valley ,800 meters from the batteries of Marine.


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Very bad news come now from East .The Romanian vessels and posts om Prut River have been disarmed ;Romanian Detachments at Reni and Giurgiulesti ,over Prut ,have also been disarmed ;a heavy Russian battery and six machineguns have been placed over Giurgiulesti Hill ,on Prut shore ,and an enemy detachment ,made out of two companies of machineguns ,a cavalry escadron and an artillery battery have crossed Prut River,advancing to Galati.The battery placed its cannons near Brates Pond,and the infantry unfolded in fighting lines advances ,preeceded by patrols of cavalry ,enters in the lower part of the city ,strenghtenes with over 200 armed infanterists of the 10th Russian Division and start to disarm our post of Graniceri(border army) and of Militia .A Russian vessel ,with a cannon of 150 mm ,coming from Reni ,climbes the Danube River and fires over the docks ,vessels of Marine and our batteries and in the same time start the fire the batteries on Giurgiulestilor Hill ,throwing shells in to the city .The situation of the troops of defending Galati has become very grave .They are attacked now from four directions:West,North,East and South ,and in the city ,the troops of the 10th Division ,Russian,agitate and constitues in fighting units ,without obstacle them by a Romanian troop.But our countermeasures are applied with punctuality and the elan with which fight the soldiers compensate for the weakness of the number .Of the Detachment at Filesti are taken two Platoons of Infantry with a Section of machineguns ,which arrive in running and attack with violence the Russian Detachment from the East ,set it to run and pursue it ,until it crosse prut River.


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On Tiglina Hill ,the handful of soldiers maintained on the second line ,helped by a Company of the 50th Regiment .The Romanians pass to counterattack.Supported on the right by Milicescu Detachment ,arrived from Filesti (half a Company) and on the left by Marine batteries and of the vedettes from Danube River ,the Romanians managed to repell the enemy.From the North is pronounced the principal attack ,made by troops of the 8th Brigade ,under the Command of Colonel Badescu ,between Lakes Malina and Calica ,against the thick of 9th Division .The Romanians advance hard in the beginning ,because of a strong barrier fire of the Russian artillery,but are well supported by the fires of the batteries.

The vedettes of the Marine(Romanian Navy)manage to pass over the baraje of Russians torpedoes ,without any obstacle from the Russian sailors ;they bombard from flank the Russiam positions .The Romanians attack now violently at bayonet ,reconquer Tiglina Hill ,free their camarads ,captured,and set on the run the Russians.Attacked and and repelled from the North and East ,the Russians enter in disband and start to crowd towards South ,between Barbosi train station and the bridge over Siret.Our artillery and three airplanes of bombardment throw bombs over the masses gathered here.

Cornered from al parts ,the Russians make a disperate decission :at 11 in the night they begin to cross the bridge and the Front line and surrender to the Germans .It was an ending as unexpected ,as unique-in its style-as the spectacle of this battle between two allied Armies ,in front of the enemy positions and under the eyes of this one.It have surrender to the germans the majority of Regiments 33rd and 35th of Russian infantry,in total over 3000 men together with all the material and with an artillery divizion.

The next day in the morning ,a delegation of the 9th Siberian Division announces the capitulation.The remains of 33rd and 35th Regiments ,Regiments 34th and 36th entirely,the 9th Brigade of artilley,Siberian,a battery of the 10th Siberian Division and the column of the General Staff of the Division ,together with all the material -60 cannons ,guns ,ammunition , trench cannons ,which were concentrated beyond Siret ,at Vadeni ,ready to cross to the germans -have declared that they surrender to Romanians ,if they are let free to pass ,for the men and horses and their waggons.The request was admitted ,with the condition of disarming .The next day have been completely disarmed also the troops of the second Division -the 10th -of the Siberian Corps .The disarmed troops are then directed over Prut ,under the guard of Romanian sentinels.


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The fight at Pascani

The troops of the IV-th Russian Army ,leaving the Front from Neamt Mountains and of Suceava ones,head now towards line Roman Pascani ,which is guarded by the troops of the 7th Romanian Division.The Russian must not be let to head to Iasi ,but must be disarmed and directed to North of Basarabia .But the troops of II-nd Russian Corps ,made uot of Divisions 26th and 84th want to force the crossing by Pascani and gather,threatening ,between Moldavia and Siret.Their intention is to unite with the troops of XVIII-th Russian Corps from Bucovina to begin a concordate action towards Iasi and Basarabia.At Timisesti ,the Romanian Mountain Hunters disarm the Russians which threatened to occupy the instalations of water supply of Iasi.The 16th Suceava Regiment takes positions at Miroslovesti and Bratesti ,with avanposts at Soci ,Motca ,Pascani.He interdicts to the Russian the crossing to Pascani.At 25th of January ,a Russian column,coming from Cristesti ,close in to Soci.Major Butnariu,the Commander of 2nd battalion,gets out in their way ,to convince them to obey to the dispozitions of the Russian Commandment.As he was parliamenting ,is shot in the back by the Russian soldiers and murdered.The 7th Company of the Regiment is also attacked from behind with fires of rifles and machineguns .The Russians begin now the attack on the whole line ;at 1 in the afternoon ,their artillery and infantry is in action against us.At her turn,the Romanian artillery opens over the Russians.As the Russian cannons beat badly,the precission of our cannons is excelent.The Russian troops on the South-East edge of Soci Village are scattered and start to run in disband ,to hide in the wood at North-East of the village.Our projectiles fall now in the middle of the Russian batteries which cease the fire ,harness and run towards Boureni ,pursued by the fires of our artillery.A trial to put again in battery ,on driveway Roman-Cristesti ,is stopped;the Russian artillery is forced to retreat at Cristesti .the Infantry of the 16th Regiment starts now at attack;the 2nd battalion ,strengthened with a Company of the 1st Battalion ,occupies Soci ,then Boureni and captures a Russian column ,which did not had time to run away ,which they surround and sentinel near Boureni.In the same time ,the troops of the 2nd Battalion attack Sodomeni ,where were retrenched the Russian troops ,surround the village and force the Russians to surrender with rich material.

Now the Russians are retreating everywhere in disorder towards North ,in Draguseni direction ,Ciumulesti,Falticeni .The troops of the 16th Regiment disarm the groups they meet rambling.Then they start to present columns of complete units ,to be disarmed;the 104th Regiment with five machineguns ,Regiment 335th puts down weapons ,to be left free to follow the road towards Russia.The troops are disarmed and directed towards the North of Basarabia ,on the intinerary established by the Russian and Romanian Commandments.


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The fight at Spataresti

A part of the troops retreating not disarmed from Cristesti direction ,together with other troops of II-nd Russian Corps ,constituted of a mass of aproximatively 10 000 men with over 100 cannons ,advance towards Falticeni ,to make way by here towards South of Bucovina.The closing in of these diorganized masses and armed was constituting a great danger for the city.In Falticeni there was the 2nd Battalion of the 1st Graniceri Regiment ,Romanian, with an effective of 500 men.The Battalion leaves to meet the Russians and takes position at Spataresti ,mounted on Soldanesti direction -Ciumulesti -Fintina Mare -Bogdanesti,intercepting the road towards Baia and Cornu Luncii .Two Companies of the 3rd Battalion extend the two wings at the right and at left ,adding also a Cavalry Escadron for reconnoitrings.In the day of 27th of January ,at 10 in the morning,a delegation of the Russian commander presens at Falticeni to Colonel Radulescu ,Commander of the 2nd graniceri Regiment ,somating him to leabve the road free for the Russians towards Suceava;otherwise ,they will open up the road by force and he declines any responsibility for the damages the city will suffer and the population .It is answered to them with the invitation to retreat in their cantoonments or to surrender arms ,imposing them of the villages they have already passed by ,cutting the telephone lines and the attacking of the Romanian posts.The delegation is retaken back then,through the Romanian lines ,in to the camp of the Russian Army ,of which committe decides to attack the Romanains to force the crossing At 11 30 ,Russian patrols of cavalry and infantry make contact with our patrols ,and after a quarter of an hour,th e head of the Russian column appears on the driveway Falticeni Ciumulesti ,coming out of Dumbravita .At the somations made by us to stop,made with blind fire ,they fire in full.The the Romanians begin ,in they turn,to fire Infantry and machineguns .the Russian infantry unfolds in shooters at 1500 m distance from our line ,and their artillery takes position and starts a bombardment lacking precission alltogether:out of three hundred fired projectiles ,not even one have touched the city.Under the protection of artillery,the infantry ,Russian, has reached 200 m of our ositions and,formed up on to two three waves ,starts at attack.The Romanians are in a total numeric inferiority ,and disposed on a single line of shooters ,rare,but receive the Russians with a lively fire ,counterattack them with bayonet and repell four attacks.The field in front of our positions is filled with dead bodies and wounded ,Russians.By evening the fire ceases and a Russian delegation presents to the Commander of the Romanian Regiment with the renewed kind request to be permitted the retreat towards Cornu Luncii,to which is responded to him with the somation to surrender the weapons and ammunitions.The tratatives extend deep in to the night ;the chief of the Russian delegation is soldier, Selepin,the commander choosen by the II-nd Russian Corps;he is accompanied by his chief of general staff ,former Jewish butcher Moina Podolschi .

At 7 in the morning of 28th ,the Russians begin to leave the positions and gather on to the driveways and at 7:30 ,announce the capitulation.But for an hour and a half now,a Battalion of the 16th Infantry Regiment ,Romanian,which was following the Russians feom Cristesti direction ,disarming the groups in their way ,have occupied Ciumulestii and have installe don a hill a baterry of artillery of the 25th Regiment ,accompanying it.At 7:30 the Romanian battery opens fire over villages Bogdanesti,Dumbravita ,Comirzani and over the driveways connecting them ,filled with Russian troops and the infantry starts at attack .A total mess takes over the Russian troops .The artillery tries to make face to the new enemy but is not able to put in battery and tries to run to Bucovina .the cpolumns of Russian artillery are stopped and captured by the Graniceri Platoons at Malini and Cornu Luncii.The infantry runs in all directions ,hiding wherever possible.Our troops begin the disarming ;one by one present the Russian units ,giving cannons ,machineguns ,rifles,swords,munitions ;in total ,in five days,as the the disarming lasted ,were taken to the Russians 4000 rifles,74 machineguns ,84 cannons ,158 waggons for munitions etc.The disarmed soldiers are embarked in trains and expedited through Dorohoi ,in Northern Basarabia.

In the Fight of Spateresti ,the Romanians had 14 dead,28 wounded evacuated and 55 easy wounded.The Russian cassualties have been:150-200 dead-of which only the Romanians buried 80 dead bodies -and 400-500 wounded.


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(Airplane "Sophith I 1/2 Strutter" in flight)


(Airplane Nieuport XI in flight 1917)


(Model of at 1/12 ? irplane Nieuport XI of the Romanian Army in the Great War)

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