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What was The R.F.C. Order Of Battle At The Start Of The Somme?

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I thought I had this in a book, but my memory was faulty and the page shows only the fighting squadrons. I would like to have the identities of the Corps observation squadrons, and their numbers on strength as of July 1, 1916, as well as the types flown, if possible.


There is another thread on the Forum (Great War Forum > Soldiers and Armies of the Great War > Units and Formations) titled "RFC Flight - roughly how many aircraft" in which Dolphin gives everything you want apart from the aircraft type.

If I have got it right, this should be the link:





. . . . . and if you go to the http://www.rafweb.org/Menu.htm#Sqn%20Markings site and enter the numbers of each squadron, you will get a fairly good idea as to what types of aircraft each squadron was flying at the start of the Somme.





Your memory is better than mine - I'd long forgotten that post.

Old Man

My early post doesn't include the Kite Balloon establishment. Let me know if you'd like it as well as the aeroplanes.




Thank you very much, Gentlemen!

That will do me nicely.

To Mr. Dolphin: The balloon information would be nice to have, if it is no trouble.


Old Man

1st (Corps) Wing in I Brigade RFC included No 3 Kite Balloon (KB) Squadron, comprising Nos 8 and 10 KB Sections;

2nd (Corps) Wing in II Brigade RFC included No 2 KB Squadron, comprising Nos 2 and 9 KB Sections;

12th (Corps) Wing in III Brigade RFC included No 4 KB Squadron, comprising Nos 5 and 7 KB Sections;

3rd (Corps) Wing in IV Brigade RFC [ie the Brigade allocated to the Fourth Army on the Somme] included No 1 KB Squadron, comprising Nos 1, 3, 11 and 14 KB Sections, as well as Nos 4, 6 and 13 KB Sections specially attached for tactical duty.

I hope that this is useful.


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