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S.C. School of Instruction, Bulford 1916

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I've a postcard showing about 24 lance-corporals and corporals from various infantry units on Class No 17 at the S.C. School of Instruction, Bulford, March 9 to May 5, 1916.

Any ideas what S.C. stands for? N D G James in Plain Soldiering names various schools of military training on Salisbury Plain, but none that matches these initials. There's one middle-aged sergeant in the pic, presumably the instructor, but, his chevrons apart, I can see no insignia that might give clues.

I did think "School of Cookery", but I'm not aware of one at Bulford.

The card has the names etc of the men shown, including:

Corporal A Steele, 16089, 7th Dorset

L/C A Spargo, 3/8th Worcester

L/C S C Steele, 10603, 13th Hampshire

L/C L? Phillips, 541, 3/6th Devonshire

L/C A Perkins, 15412, 3rd RWR



Having thought about it I think that SC must stand for Southern Command.

Charles M



Thanks. Sounds likely. Because of my parochial interest, I seldom think in terms of Southern Command.



How about the Signalling Class, has there use to be a Signalling School at Aldershot and I would expect one would been at Bulford.

How about the Signalling Class, has there use to be a Signalling School at Aldershot and I would expect one would been at Bulford.

I believe it's Signals or Signalling Corps


The Royal Corps of Signals did not form until around 1920/21? hes looking for info from 1916.


CEF = Canadian Expeditionary Force, but the class members are all from British infantry units.


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